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College Degree: Is it Worth it or Not?

Essay Instructions:

a) Choice 2 – Write a 3- to 4-page argument in response to one of these essays. Use a standard MLA heading and style for your paper:

2) Is college worth it?

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Argumentative Essay
The debate over whether a college degree is worth it or not started when the colonists came from Europe and laid the foundation of New College in 1636. Later on, this New College was renamed Harvard University. With millions of students seeking admission at top American, Canadian and European colleges, this debate continues today. Some people argue that children, when grown up, should establish own businesses, which is why a college degree is not required. However, another group of sensible, qualified and skilled individuals thinks that college graduates earn more than those who have never attended a college or are illiterate. They also state that compared to high school graduates, college graduates get better employment opportunities. This way they can contribute to a sustainable and well-versed society. Thus, it can be said that college education is worthwhile and high school students should be encouraged to continue their education.
First of all, earning a college degree means you open up new opportunities in life. It will prepare you, both socially and intellectually, for a vibrant career and will help improve the quality of life. Obviously, better income is the core benefit of earning a college degree. Statistics reveal that more than 80 percent employers, including those who belong to the fields of medicines, engineering, IT, business administration and others, look for youngsters with a bachelor’s or master’s degree (Allen 45). It means if you do not seek knowledge or quit your studies after high school, then it will become impossible for you to get approached and hired by a top local or international employer. In addition, this can provide stability for your family, especially in the case of healthcare, as many employers provide their employees and their families with free medical facilities or treatment options.
The second benefit of a college education is that qualified mothers and fathers can raise their children in a better way. For instance, an educated mother knows what to choose for her children in terms of food, clothes and other things. In addition, an educated father can bring home enough money and will be happy to spend it on his children and other family members. Thus, it can be said that the benefits of a college education go beyond generations, as families of qualified people are raised well, and stability is maintained throughout their lives. Compared to this, an uneducated individual may never be able to provide their families with all comforts and facilities of life.
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