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Climate Change - Rogerian Argument Summary

Essay Instructions:

As climate change is such a broad topic, I will say my focus is climate change and society. But becoming more precise in exactly my argument points and conclusive thesis statement is still to be determined.

I want to discuss that the general public knowledge about the environment and science of climate change, its conditions, its causes, and its consequences are considerably more evident than our understanding of the societal changes it has threatened. Climate change has become what it is due to the complex process of societal development through generations. Which I feel is key to exploring more in this paper so that we find ways to all need to understand and react to the challenges it presents. The conditions of the changing climates present an important role in people's lives and can interfere with lives in various ways. Outcomes of climate change are complicated, inevitable, and will likely become worse over time. The truth is that the causes are acknowledged, sometimes grasped, and the certainty of it all is that human actions are at the center of the debate. Climate change is due to human failure. And the saddening fact is that the governments or businesses that produced most of the problem often suffer the results, but minor. Compared to the majority, which contributions the least often are the most affected, helpless, and unprepared. Additionally to the suspected impacts in the most serious economic and environmental discussion, every individual's health has progressed as a critical area associated with climate change. Although I have rarely seen this as commonly considered as a crucial political interest, some of my research suggests that the result of climate change upon people's health will be severe. Furthermore, climate change will have vast implications on human well-being, reflecting on social structures and peoples ways of life.

*Please provide all your research in a work cited page

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Climate Change Rogerian Argument
Introduction (addressing the topic to be discussed and/or the problem to be solved)
Climate change is a global problem that will affect all people on Earth. Although its effects are not visible when looking at your backyard, scientific evidence about the larger implications of climate change points to massive degradation of natural systems. A study funded by the World Bank estimates that hundreds of millions of people will be displaced due to the environmental impact of global climate change. The study identified 3 developing regions of the world that would be most affected by climate change: Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. Global climate change will affect livelihoods, especially those who belong to vulnerable geographic locations such as coastlines. International organizations such as the World Meteorological Organization have reported that more extreme weather patterns will cause severe floods and drought in the future. (Cho,2019) Global cultural modes of consumption must change if we want to create a better future for the younger generations.
People need to organize to create awareness about the unavoidable so that government and citizens can work together to create the right policies and enact the various movements to establish resiliency for Climate Change Impact. (Ciadini, 2003). Many scientific kinds of research have been done to evaluate the magnitude by which human activity has altered natural environmental systems. Overall, the different signs of progress and milestones for human society have created benefits and damages for different fields. Although the industrial revolution has allowed for urban development to occur, it has caused much destruction to the areas where natural and raw material is being extracted. Society’s demand for more energy, more materials, and more demand from agriculture have drastically altered the natural cycles in the world’s climate. Society should prepare for the inevitable changes that Climate change would bring. Technology is bringing more ways of sustainability and efficiency to the mainstream. Even with the initial damage caused by modern industries, technology can be redesigned to be energy efficient, and help create equipment that can “Clean” the world. 
Opposing position (showing that you understand your opposition’s viewpoints/goals)
Human Activities have caused widespread and intense damage to the different levels of the biosphere. Most of the warming of the climate is attributed to human activities that have drastically increased the amounts of carbon dioxide and other heat-retaining gasses into the atmosphere. Since the urban settings around the world have a high energy demand, large corporations have created a supply of power by extracting fossil fuels, coal, oil, and natural gas from the planet. These acts have devastated the face of nature; as more industrial activities crave more profit through the harvesting of earth’s natural resources in unsustainable ways. Due to human industries, forests and other natural areas have been converted into agricultural land and habitat for humans, which has decreased the population and diversity of life, both flora, and fauna. 
The context for opposing position (showing that you understand the situations in which their viewpoint is valid)
Year by year, the trend continues to show abnormal fluctuations in temperature and a general trend of warming in the long term. The greenhouse gas effect explains the rising temperature trend. Because of the human lifestyle, the extraction of oil and fossil fuels globally has given rise to the high amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. These and other greenhouse gasses, Carbon dioxide prevent the planet from cooling, because it traps heat inside the atmosphere. As more and more greenhouse gasses are released into the atmosphere, more and more heat is retained, which explains the globally rising temperatures. Aside from warming, global climate change also shows abnormal changes in weather patterns such as intense amounts of rainfall and prolonged duration of droughts. The normal balance has been altered because of various factors. Some areas experience abnormal rain, while many vast areas find harsher impacts of drought. Earth is inevitably warming. Research groups have documented the temperature of the planet in various areas through state-of-the-art scientific equipment through scientific methodology. According to the findings, the planet’s average surface temperature has risen by 0.8 degrees Celsius. The 20th century’s industrialization has paved the way for society’s demand for oil and related products. The 21st century is an opportunity for humans to examine what they have done and what they need to do to lessen the impact of the climate crisis. The past 3 decades have been recorded to be the most impactful in terms of the warming of global temperatures. The data is corroborated by a variety of different scientific organizations, and the data undoubtedly shows an indication of crucial warming of the oceans, lower atmosphere, and the vast frozen land portions of the planet.
Sea levels around the world are rising, as the polar Ice caps and glaciers have begun to melt at a faster rate. Aquatic wildlife has been affected by ocean acidification and pollution which destroyed the natural habitat of sea creatures. Humans have induced a different kind of climate change as our collective practices have done much harm to different kinds of environments. Things seem hopeless in the face of the accelerating destruction of nature and extinction of wildlife.
Your position (introducing/addressing your viewpoint as it differs from the reader)
The Environment can heal, and humans can do something about it. Various studies have clearly shown evidence that supp...
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