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The Chinese Hanzi and its Influence on Asian History

Essay Instructions:

This essay I would like to research about how Chinese Characters (han zi)influence other asian countries,like Korea Japan...

Global Perspectives Final Paper The final paper should be 5-7 pages in length, in MLA format with footnotes. This is a formal academic paper and must address specifically the material read during this semester. You are required to use quotes from the books and essays that are part of this course. Do not write about your personal life for more than one page of the paper. Avoid generalizations and unsubstantiated claims. You must use further research to support your argument but only from primary or secondary sources. (No Wikipedia). Please consult your instructor if you have questions.Proof-read your essay before you submit it. You may also consult the Writing Center on the fourth floor of Bunting. Typographical, spelling or grammar errors will lower your grade. Failure to follow these guidelines will mean that your paper will be rejected. No paper will be accepted for credit after 1p.m. on April 23, 2018. No exceptions.

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The Chinese Hanzi and its Influence on Asian History
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April 24, 2018
Due to similarities in terms of having a unique and complex method of writing, one of the most common errors in our way of thinking was that several Asian languages – such as Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Korean – are closely related with each other. Particularly, one of the main reasons for this misconception is because compared to Indo-European languages (based on Greek alphabet) the structures of Asian languages have characters and mechanisms that closely resembles each other. However, despite being more cumbersome than how the western alphabet system work, it must be noted that the development of these picto-phonetic methods happened due to certain socio-political and economic context during the early times. On the one hand, the development of the Chinese Han zi itself, was portrayed as an art requiring careful calligraphic skills. And because learning how to write the language is an art form, it has even become a symbol of a socialist elite system, differentiating the poor from the rich. On the other hand, historical accounts also note that this writing system, has also become a symbol of unification for the whole Chinese nation. An advantage brought about by its simplicity to be read, as it relies on phonetic mechanisms unlike other languages. While there are numerous other traits that are worthy of discussion the author of this study believes that it would be best to understand the histories of each of these language systems. Thus, in the succeeding sections of this paper, a more history would be provided starting from the Chinese Han zi, to its spread to other countries and its respective development subsequent to that. Lastly, this paper would also discuss the aforementioned ‘misconception’ about the close reality of these languages.[Nicholson, Caitlin. What Makes Asian Languages So Different? 26 May 2006. Web. 24 April 2018.] [Trapp, James. Chinese characters : the art and meaning of Hanzi. New York: Chartwell Books, 2016. Print.] [Fishman, Joshua A. and Ofelia García. Handbook of language and ethnic identity: The successfailure continuum in language and ethnic identity. Vol. 2. Oxford University Press, 2011.]
The Origins of the Han zi System
The origins of the Han zi (汉字 ) could be traced back as early as 4,500 years before this time from the Shandong Province, China. During those times, the art and way of communicating has still been in its infancy until it reaches its fruition before the third century in the country. However, despite the promise of this new knowledge created, the third century in the country was also the time when the landscape of the whole region was littered with warring states governed by feudal lords that sought to fight for their own rights of ownership. Thus, it would not be until the year of the Han Dynasty when more characters would be added to the repertoire of the Han zi and be used throughout the whole country. On one hand, the re-unification of the Chinese during those times would add to the premium of the language, as it becomes widely accepted throughout the whole region and backed-up by the emperor himself. On the other hand, this system also proved to be very helpful in the reunification process itself, for its simplicity catered for communication between the empire and the common folks regardless of their literacy. Due to its success and its aesthetics, this system would then spread to other places in the world such as Korea and Japan. Japan, during the early adaptation of the system does not even have its own form of writing, while Korea was still in its infancy, thus giving it another premium specially for the authorities who wanted to gain power. Although it is still being debated how this system came into contact with other cultures (dominant ideas say that it is through trade) these socio-political and economic circumstances were undoubtedly the reason for the early adaptation of a language system that is ‘easily understood by many, yet distinguished for the elite’.[Ibid. 2]
The Hanzi and the Asian Language
After its adoption in several Asian countries near China, the system would then evolve as a linguistic mechanism that ...
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