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Causes of Lack of Sleep: Depression, Anxiety, Medical

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concentration, learning, and thinking

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Causes of Lack of Sleep
* Introduction
Sleep plays an important role in concentration, learning, and thinking. Furthermore, sleep deprivation can result in serious problems making it one of the leading public health and safety issue. Sleep loss was a factor in some of the major disasters in history such as the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear meltdown (Peri). Lack of sleep, also known as insomnia, is a common problem among most people today. People with insomnia experience dumbness, lack of sex drive and are more likely to cause accidents on the roads. Chronic insomnia is medically defined as sleep deprivation that happens at least three nights per week for at least three months and is often linked with depression, anxiety, heart attack and rheumatoid arthritis, medical conditions, and use of certain medications (Klein). This paper explores the common causes of lack of sleep, including depression, anxiety and medical-related conditions and use of certain medications.
* Depression
Depression is one of the psychiatric conditions that are responsible for increased chances of sleep deprivation. People with psychological struggles often find it difficult to afford enough sleep. Insomnia can lead to mood changes as well as shifts in the normal physiological functioning and hormonal balance. These changes are often accompanied by an array of psychiatric issues and insomnia. According to National Sleep Foundation, depression is one of the signs of sleep problems, and the risks of acute insomnia are relatively higher among patients with depression. Studies have shown that depression can either trigger or exacerbate depressive conditions. It is important to appreciate the contributions of loss of motivation, low energy and feelings of hopelessness and sadness to insomnia, as these factors play a critical role to worsen the condition. Individuals experiencing depressive episodes resolve in taking sleeping pills due to desperation. While they may feel better for a short-term, their quality of sleep often tends to reduce since sleeping pills act as a temporary treatment for lack of sleep.
* Anxiety
Anxiety, a psychiatric condition closely related to depression, occurs in most adults and can result in sleep deprivation. Most people experience problems with sleeping due to nervousness and feelings of worry. This common pathway leads to insomnia as it interferes with one’s normal sleep patterns. Symptoms of anxiety result in tension, excessive worrying, and feelings of being overcome by responsibilities and over...
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