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Canada’s Flawed Justice System and its Impact to Canadians

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the problems of Canada’s justice system and it’s impact on Canadians (trial dates being delayed, false eye witness etc..)

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Canada’s Flawed Justice System
The justice system plays a significant role in enhancing safety, productivity as well as the wellness of all citizens. In Canada, the justice system assists all citizens to feel safe in their societies and also have confidence in their justice system as it tries to improve the Canadians quality of life. Nonetheless, many of the legal problems in Canada have been going unresolved without meaningful actions taken to resolve these problems. The majority of issues that go unresolved in Canada include family issues and basic civil problems such as housing disputes as well as estate regulations (Jenkins 2). The Canadian justice system has been slow on matters that revolve in this country following a lack of city services that result in the development of more and expensive issues. The criminal justice system in Canada has been in need of refurbishment following delays in criminal hearings and also in their effort to enforce programs that would bring in more criminal charges. Nevertheless, the perspective of the justice system should start with the courts, which are obligatory to understand the depth of the problems facing the justice system. Following this, many issues can be resolved without lengthy and expensive proceedings. Accordingly, the understudy will explore the problems of Canada’s justice system and also the impacts these problems have on the Canadians.
Problems of Canada’s Justice System
The Canadian justice system is considered excellent regarding various measures, although, on the other hand, this system fails to adhere to its policies. The justice system in this country is not effective and affordable. This means that Canada’s justice system does not have enough access to justice that includes access to services and resources that the citizens require to deal with legal matters. In 2016, the World Justice Index ranked Canada at 0.56/ 1.00 for affordability and accessibility which was a revelation for the call for reforms in this system (Jenkins 5). Canada’s justice system has been failing to solve most of the legal matters where in the year 2011, approximately 52% of defendants were dealing with civil legal issues and in 2010, 35% of low and middle-income people had unsolved civil legal problems (Jenkins 5). The majority of the defendants recorded failed to seek legal assistance following the high cost imposed in the full legal representation where the cost of representation implemented by Canada’s justice system is beyond affordability for many Canadians. In 2016, the average cost of civil trial representation for two days was $25,517, although this cost was minimized, many low and middle-income citizens in this country do not afford legal representation (Jenkins 5). Also, many of the Canadians do not have access to safety programs offered by the government.
The criminal justice system in Canada fails in administering of justice offenses which include releasing respondents on bails who are accused of violating their release terms. Nearly quarters of criminal cases in Canada are for the Administration of Justice Offenses (AOJOs), where the charges are a bit higher. AOJO cases in Canada come with various challenges that affect the justice system. Significant legal principles go unnoticed at the bail stage while dealing with local individuals and also systematic considerations that are supposed to be taken into account are not fully applied during bail release stage (EKOS Research Associates 44). Also, some of the defendants found not guilty find themselves released on bail, which might result in a criminal record, although the defendant was not found guilty. This minimizes one’s freedom, yet the individual has not committed any crime. Also, ineffectiveness in the bail process results in unproductive court hearings, besides; defendants are remanded for a longer time which is breaches of justice administration.
Hardship to access family justice is a problem that has been witnessed in Canada’s justice system. This problem is highly caused by an increased number of families who lack lawyers and legal representation, especially in family courts. This has resulted in a significant increase in the number of self-repre...
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