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A Modest Proposal, Privatize Executions

Essay Instructions:

Dates to Remember:Monday November 13: Paper Assigned.Monday November 20: Proposal Due (Journal 4), Outlines in ClssMonday November 27: Rough Draft #1 Due, Peer Review - Print two copies for class or one copy printed and one E-MAILed .docx copy.  Outline Due and “Find the holes” WorkshopMonday December 4: Rough Draft #2 due in class for Outline after the DraftWednesday December 6: Final prep, portfolio prep, end of year party, Writing WorkshopMonday December 11: Final Draft Due IN CLASS and Final Exam
Assignment: Write a thesis-driven essay three pages in length. This essay is meant for you to write argumentatively and persuasively through showing (not telling) and supporting your argument. You will be graded based on the following criteria:• Content:  Or in other words, did you stick to the assignment?• Development:  The extent to which ideas are elaborated using specific and relevant evidence.• Organization:  The extent to which the response exhibits direction, shape, and coherence.• Language Use:  The extent to which the response reveals an awareness of audience and purpose through an effective use of words, sentence structure, and sentence variety.• Conventions:  The extent to which the response exhibits conventional spelling, punctuation, paragraphing, capitalization, grammar, and usage.• No first or second person

Readings:  “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift, “Privatize Executions” by Arthur Miller, “A Case for Eating Dogs” by Jonathan Safran Foer (handout)
In three (3) pages, model your own modest proposal based on the concepts of Jonathan Swift, Arthur Miller, and Jonathan Safran Foer. Think of a social issue you are passionate about and possible solutions. In regards to your social issue, what argument are you truly trying to explore? You will then explore it through satire. You must set up your proposal with three claims. How will your proposal create a valid solution to this problem?
You will first set up the social issue you want to investigate, identifying the problems and your thesis. Your claims will be the reasons on why/how you wish to fix the social issue the way you choose. Your conclusion will offer the resolution of your ways to fix the problem and the benefit.
Examples of proposal: Sending criminals to Mars to see how life works, dumping America’s garbage in third world countries, etc.
*Remember the definition of satire. You are solving a real problem through an unorthodox solution. Do not propose something practical such as “banning fast food to fight obesity.” 

Requirements on back 

Other Requirements:• This essay requires a proposal and an outline.• Remember to properly format your essays: all rough and final drafts must be typed, double-spaced, stapled in the upper left hand corner. Page numbers along with your last name should be in the upper right hand corner, and have 1” margins all around. (MLA formatting can be found in your Handbook/Purdue OWL). Please use Times New Roman 12 point font and have an engaging title.• Please note without an ON TIME rough draft and peer review, you cannot pass the essay.• Hand in your final draft with your rough draft with comments along with the self-critique, peer review, outline after the draft, rough draft 2, proposal, outline, and other work for the essay. • You are required to submit your essay to SafeAssign under “Assignments” on Webcampus in order for the essay to be considered complete.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name:
Professor’s Name:
Bystander issue
Humans have shown poor response to emergency issues especially those that need important attention. Research studies have shown that on many occasions, people have ignored or acted ignorantly about the helpless persons in the society. As a result, their lives have become miserable and hopeless. Nevertheless, most importantly, these helpless persons are to enjoy the same rights and freedom just as the bystanders in the society. However, attention and response towards helping out these vulnerable persons have been diverted to other engagement leading to high exposure of the needy to dangerous lifestyles. This thesis, therefore, tries to bring an in-depth meaning of the bystander issue on reaction towards emergencies by raising relevant claims and arguments. Additionally, the thesis will propose appropriate measures to help find lasting solution to the common bystander issues humans interact with their daily lives.
It is sweetly sad to come across the street children and their mothers aligning themselves in streets of this great nation begging for food, money, and jobs among others, and nobody pays attention to fix their problems. As a result, they have faced frustrations and harsh lifestyles in the streets with no place to call home. The struggle within these circumstances has led to the emergence of high rates of insecurity along the streets due to tough survival mechanisms in the streets to meet the basic needs. However, only a few out of the many people walking along the streets have acted positively in caring about the livelihood and healthcare of these vulnerable people in the society. This thesis proposes that significant involvement in raising the livelihood should come to play from both the government and the public. In so doing, jobs can be created such as garbage collection to help facilitate income generation. Additionally, allocation of households within the distant estates from towns should be slotted to reduce instances of insecurity along the streets. Supposedly, if an input were to be effected on helping these people from the bad conditions of life, arguably a great output on their livelihood would have been realized.
Another silently spoken subject though very crucial is the voluntary abortions resulting from failure to take responsibilities. Mothers in the street life have o...
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