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Breaking A Promise: Cloudskim's Offer To Sameer

Essay Instructions:

Peruse the folder of Harvard Business Review Case Studies that accompanies this prompt.

Select one of the articles, and read it thoroughly.

Write a persuasive essay analyzing your selected case, and take a position relative to the commentator’s analysis.

Locate at least two other scholarly sources that inform your argument and incorporate them into your essay.

Format the essay using MLA guidelines, and include a Works Cited citing your sources and the case study you select. Successful essays will be at least 1,000 words.

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Student’s Name Tutor’s Name Course Date Breaking a Promise I believe that Sameer should keep his part of the promise and decline the offer Cloudskim is offering. Sameer worked very hard at Baba’s company, which motivated Baba to sponsor him when he was requested by Loana. Baba was convinced that Sameer would greatly contribute to the company’s success if gets an MBA. However, Sammer continuously persuades Baba for the sponsorship to an extent of reminding him of himself. Baba agreed to Sameer requested and signed a contract with the legal person of the firm. Baba foresaw the future of the company if Sameer got to acquire more skills which would at the long end benefit his company. However, without the help of Baba, Sameer would only remain with Bs, which means he would lack the exposure to having MBA. Analyzing the conversation between Baba and Loana, it is clear that Baba was aware that Sameer might fail to honor the promise but goes ahead and accepts to sign the contract. This means he had trust in the capability of his employees and believes in their loyalty to the company. The value of the promise incorporates the trustworthiness of Baba who willingly stood by him during his time of need. Keeping a promise to someone means that you value them (Psychology today). Failure to honor the promise carries the cost of the promise not being kept. Sameer should consider the mental and physical consequences to those who will be affected in case he takes a decision of breaking the promise. Although Sameer has been offered a golden opportunity to join the Cloudskim company, he should be aware that his success is as a result of his well-wisher Baba who offered him the sponsorship to further his studies. It is Baba, who made it possible for Sameer to get exposed to such opportunity otherwise the Cloudskim could not have noticed his skills. In this case, I believe that Sameer has an obligation not only to himself, but rather to those who supported him including his mum and dad. Breaking the promise would also mean that Sameer’s dad had his reasons for giving him more lessons on how to be a man. In my perception, Sameer can only break such a promise if he does not have an option, which in this case Baba is offering him a job at the company. Breaking the promise and moving on to Cloudskim would erode the confidence Loana has in his and thus in case Sameer lost his job, Loana would not be of help again. In addition, Loana would feel vulnerable enough trusting Sameer with expectation that he would give back to the company after gaining more training in the MBA classes. Sameer should decline the offer from the Cloudskim so as to honor the intent of the promise he made originally to Loan and Baba. However, Sameer should keep his word which is something of value to Baba, who is looking forward to having him back after the training and help him in running the company as well as mentor the other students who wants to take the MBA classes (Bearden). However, Sameer trying to get in touch with Dana will probably initiate a situation that could lead to a breaking the promise. For Dana, all they want is an individual who is well equipped with the ...
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