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The Biblical Beliefs and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Write a definition essay about the following topic: CHRISTIANITY This essay should be at least 500 words, written in third person using a formal voice (no contractions). I need 2 pages paper. The second page will be paid additionally.

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Christianity is a religion based on the biblical beliefs and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices. The Christian religion was born in Palestine, which is situated in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Christians have a strong faith in God, and they live according to the commandments (Cox, 2014). Christians believe that it is over two hundred thousand years ago that the only son of God who is known as Jesus of Nazareth in which currently is recognized as Israel. Additionally, it is imperative to note that Christian read the holy book known as Bible that contains all the historical events of Jesus Christ. Most of the Christians believe that through Jesus death and resurrection they are saved and His life fulfilled the Old Testament.
The content that is present in the holy scriptures, which is enough guide one on how to live and cooperates with others through showing love and even as going to an extra mile of even helping the needy. On the same note, the Christians have strong believed in the second coming of Jesus. This is to mean that God had sent his only begotten son to the earth so that He could be crucified and die so that all the sinners could be forgiven. Importantly, it is evident that in the Bible is recorded it is also arranged in verses. For instance, the Christianity is based on predicts such that in the bible it was prophesied that Peter was to deny Jesus three times, and the prophecy was fulfilled (Zhuo & Mason, 2013). There are so many divided denominations into three branches over the centuries. It is true that Christians follow every step of Jesus Christ that he showed when He was on the earth. For instance, Jesus being that he was the only son of God He was born as a normal human being through the Virgin Mary, through the Holy Spirit. It is evidently shown in the Bible that Jesus was not just a mere man. On the same spot, God chose the Virgin Mary to give birth to Him. Through his lessons and teachings, Christians understand that by repenting and promoting peace, love and harmony they will inherit the holy kingdom.
Many Christians get there answers to their trouble from the scriptures. They also pray to God and ask the guidance and how to live according to His will so as to be able to take over the promised kingdom of God. It is important to note that many Christians have the ceremonies and festivals such as Christian holiday Easter. This statement means that Christians celebrate Christ resurrection from the dead (Zhuo & Mason, 2013). There is another one that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ hence these days are celebrated in the whole universe by the Christians. Conclusively, a majority of the Christians have some of their identification known as symbols. For instance, some of them are like the Glossary of the Cathol...
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