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The Benefits of Sleep on People Research Assignemnt

Essay Instructions:

please use the sourses that I prepared for you. Thank You. They all can find on google. Sorry about that. you dont have to add any more sourses.

CDC. (2015). Insufficient Sleep Is a Public Health Problem. Retrieved November 12, 2017, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: https://www(dot)cdc(dot)gov/features/dssleep/index.html

Hublin, C., Partinen, M., Koskenvuo, M., & Kaprio., J. (2007). Sleep and mortality: a population-based 22-year follow-up study. Sleep , 30 (10), 1245-1253.

Luyster, F. S., Strollo, P. J., Zee, P. C., & Walsh, J. K. (2012). Sleep: a health imperative. Sleep , 35 (6), 727-734.

Rosekind, M. R., Gregory, K. B., Mallis, M. M., Brandt, S. L., Seal, B., & Lerner., D. (2010). The cost of poor sleep: workplace productivity loss and associated costs. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine , 52 (1), 91-98.

Major Paper #3—Argumentative Paper

For this paper, you need to pursue the topic that you have proposed as your paper topic in writing exercise #2, and you need to find 4-5 credible sources (no fewer than four) to incorporate into your paper. These sources are to be used to support your claims and provide necessary information. Within your paper, you are to present a debatable, specific thesis that makes a compelling claim that can be backed up logically and is connected to your topic. You need to provide necessary contextual and background information and allow readers to see why this topic is significant and should be of interest to them. This needs to be a well-organized paper in which you support your claims using rhetorical appeals effectively; in particular, you need to establish credibility and you need to use logic to support your ideas. Additionally, you need to anticipate and address some potential counterarguments in an effective, fair matter (keep in mind our discussions of making concessions). Ultimately, your paper needs to have the ability to persuade readers from a broad, reasonable audience. Please review all of the sections in our textbook that deal with argumentative writing and any notes you have taken this semester.

Specific Requirements

Your paper needs to:

-Adhere to the guidelines listed above;

-Contain necessary background and contextual information and establish why your topic and central claim is significant for readers;

-Contain a debatable, specific, and compelling thesis that presents your central claim and argument;

-Anticipate and address some potential counterarguments;

-Be 5-7 pages, in 12pt Times New Roman font with one-inch margins;

-Be well-organized and free of grammatical and/or typographical errors;

-Include citations for all sources used, with in-text citations and a “Works Cited” page (follow MLA guidelines);

-Be uploaded as a Word document on Canvas by the deadline, December 5th by 11:59am. 

Please let me know if you have any questions about this assignment or want feedback on any work you have done—BH 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The benefits of sleep on people
The simplest definition of sleep is the condition which recurs for several hours every day. During this condition, the postural muscles remain relaxed, the eyes may remain closed, and the consciousness is suspended. The early physicians identified sleep as a state in between wakefulness and death. There are two states in sleep, Rapid Eye Movement ‘REM’; it occurs after sleeping for around ninety minutes. During this sleep state, the eyes move quickly beneath the eyelids, the activity of the brain increases and one is likely to dream. Non-Rapid Eye Movement ‘NREM’ involves episodes of imperfect awakening from sleep.
Acquiring enough sleep is recommended for everyone’s daily routine. Also, everyone spends about a third of their time sleeping. Just like food and water, getting quality sleep is also essential for survival. It is difficult for one to maintain the pathways in the brain that help to learn and creating new memories. Notably, sleep help in improving the functions of the brain. This paper aims at evaluating why sleeping is necessary and examine the benefits associated with acquiring enough sleep.
The amount of sleep need and sleep patterns varies depending on age. However, the amount of sleep need may vary significantly across people of the same age. Babies may sleep for about sixteen to eighteen hours per night (Hublin C, 1245-1253). Most of the school-aged children sleep for an average of nine and half hours per night while adults sleep for seven to nine hours per night. Notably, the sleep pattern changes when one attains the age of sixty years since the sleep tends to be shorter and gets interrupted by unexpected awakenings. Additionally, old people are likely to take medications which may interfere with their sleeping patterns.
Sleep is beneficial for a child’s health. Notably, the amount of sleep that a child gets can affect how the child feels or how he or she functions. Parents who help their children to sleep for the recommended amount of time help in improving the safety, health and psychological well-being of the child. Importantly, enough sleep is essential for the growth and development of the child. Adequate sleep is fundamental to a healthy lifestyle. Children who acquire enough sleep can focus and remember what they learn in school. Sleep helps to enhance learning in academics and practical skills. Additionally, sleep helps in enhancing physical health since it supports the immune system which safeguards the body against infections.
Children who do not get enough sleep may end up suffering. Loss of sleep can be harmful to the normal functioning of the child. This is because sleep loss builds up and causes a sleep debt. The performance and the functioning of the child will be negatively affected by each sleep deficit. Children who have sleep deficit may have difficulties paying attention and may end up misbehaving because of change in character, and their academic performance may also decline. Notably, children who have sleep debts may have problems getting along with others, they lack motivation and may also have difficulties controlling their anger. Developing sleeping schedule can help in developing healthy sleeping habits among children.
Also, enough sleep is critical to ensuring that the individual physical health is maintained. Notably, sleep helps in repairing and healing the heart and blood vessels. Lack of sleep and sleep deficits greatly contribute to diseases such as; high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney and heart infections. Additionally, lack of enough sleep is linked to increased chances of acquiring obesity. An hour of sleep loss increases the odds of becoming obese (Luyster FS, 727-734). Besides, sleep helps in regulating the hormones which make someone feel hungry ‘ghrelin’ or feel full ‘leptin.' When someone does not get the required amount of sleep the level of ghrelin may increase while the level of leptin may lower, the result is that one feels hungrier than when one has enough amount of sleep.
Additionally, sleep is believed to affect the reaction of the body to insulin in the blood. The hormone which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood is affected by lack of enough sleep. Sleep deficiency leads to increased levels of blood sugar which increases one's risks of acquiring diabetes. More so, sleep controls the release of the hormone that stimulates growth and development. This hormone also impacts on repairing of tissues and cells and also boost the mass of the muscles. This is why sleep deficiency is attri...
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