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Benefits and Risks of Renewable Energy

Essay Instructions:

I already upload requirement for this essay. And this article's 6 sources need include following 4 sources.

Bryce Robert. “The Real Problem with Renewables.” Web May 11, 2010. Accessed Feb 6, 2018

Philibert, Cedric. “Three Reasons why Renewable Energy is so Important to the Power Industry”. Web May 13, 2015. Accessed Feb 6, 2018

Cedric, Philibert. “Three Reasons why Renewable Energy is so important to the Power Industry.” Web May 13, 2015. Accessed Feb 23, 2018. https://www(dot)gepowerconversion(dot)com/inspire/three-reasons-why-renewable-energy-so-important-power-industry

Robert Bryce. “The Real Problem with Renewables.” Web May 11, 2010. Accessed Feb 23, 2018. https://www(dot)forbes(dot)com/2010/05/11/renewables-energy-oil-economy-opinions-contributors-robert-bryce.html#4994b58f1403

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Renewable Energy
Cedric, Philibert. Three Reasons Why Renewable Energy is so important to the Power Industry. Web May 13, 2015. Accessed March 27, 2018. /inspire/three-reasons-why-renewable-energy-so-important-power-industry
Cedric, “a senior analyst in the Renewable Energy Division of the International Energy Agency (IEA)” makes a compelling argument as he outlines why he believes renewable energy is important to the Power Industry. In his article Three Reasons why Renewable Energy is so important to the Power Industry, Cedric outlines three reasons why he believes the world should take renewable energy seriously. He starts by noting how there has been a great leap or improvement in renewable energy investment around the world. Afterward, he slowly starts explaining his three reasons beginning with how the growing price competitiveness should be a sign to the world to consider switching to renewable energy. The next point revolves around the long-term certainty of renewable energy options. Here, he explains how renewables guarantee generation of electricity over a long period of time, unlike gas. Finally, he talks of energy security and explains that renewable energy sources are domestic, unlike gas and oil sources which are often concentrated in areas which are costly even to reach.
Cedric is indeed clear in his elucidation of his points, and his use of simple language makes it even more appealing. While some could debate or disagree with his points, based on the above, his article is indeed worth being considered as a worthy source in the discussion of renewable energy.
Jayalakshmi, K. Climate Change: Renewable Energy can Meet Global Energy Demand and Cut Carbon Emissions, Roadmap Shows. Web September 22, 2014. Accessed March 27, 2018. /climate-change-renewable-energy-can-meet-global-demand-cut-carbon-emissions-says-irena-1466474
There have been questions whether renewable energy can meet the global energy demand and pundits have often agreed that it would not. However, in his article titled Climate Change: Renewable Energy can Meet Global Energy Demand and Cut Carbon Emissions, Roadmap Shows, Jayalakshmi seems to refute these claims and help reaffirm the notion that renewable energy can indeed meet global energy demand. Borrowing from the roadmap developed by the International Energy Agency (IRENA), Jayalakshmi slowly explains how this can happen. He talks about how electricity generation is expected to increase and grow beyond its current 22,126 terawatt-hours (TWh) to 37,000 by 2030. However, he notes that while this growth is majorly expected to come from fossil fuels, the world must seriously consider using renewable energy is it is to be successful in reducing carbon emission. Jayalakshmi makes an appeal to the world leaders and expects the roadmap to make a strong case for renewable energy to world leaders bent on reducing carbon dioxide emission in the world.
Jayalakshmi is a person who is highly dependent on statistics, and he makes use of them in article as he tries to make a point to his readers. These not only make his article more credible but also reliable as he uses reliable sources as well.
Robert, Bryce. The Real Problem with Renewables. Web May 11, 2010. Accessed March 27, 2018. /2010/05/11/renewables-energy-oil-economy-opinions-contributors-robert-bryce.html#78b4d5231403
Robert Bryce is a man who understands his craft and seems well informed about the issue of energy. He is not only a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute but also has written a book titled Power Hungry: The Myths of Green Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future. His article titled The Real Problem with Renewables written in 2010 is one that deeply engages his readers and helps them understand why it will be impossible to depend on renewable energy in the future. He starts slow by taking his readers through history and helping them understand how and why the world has always steered towards the use of non-renewable energy sources. He makes use of the four imperatives which include power intensity, energy density, cost, and scale to help his readers understand why renewables cannot be ...
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