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The Benefits Of Hemp Based Products For Improving Our Health

Essay Instructions:

This needs to be an argumentive essay. Here is the outline I have so far. I want the argument to be for bringing back hemp products to improve our health, better building materials and saving our forests. This should be limited to the United State's stats.


TOPIC: Bring back hemp based products


Possible Hook Ideas: Hemp is not a new fad it is a God given plant that if used will decrease many health problems, improve our environment and will stop deforestation in our country.

Thesis: The benefits of hemp will change our lives for the better.


First Supporting Point: Health benefits of hemp seeds and CBD oil

Evidence: hemp seeds along with CBD oil do improve our health and have shown to cure cancers.

Commentary (explanation): Including hemp seeds and oil to your diet will decrease your chances of heart disease, aids in digestion, helps with skin disorders and eases pms symptoms.

Second Supporting Point: Building with hemp

Evidence: Using Hempcrete as a building material is energy-efficient and better for our environment.

Commentary (explanation): Hempcrete is an ecological friendly form of concrete that helps reduce our carbon footprint.

Third Supporting Point: Save our forests

Evidence: Using hemp products will stop deforestation.

Commentary (explanation): All things made of wood can be made from hemp too. Where it takes trees several years to grow hemp plants are weeds and grow at much faster rate. Instead of tearing down forests we should plant and replant hemp crops.

Opposition/Rebuttal/Concession: The government has convinced us that since marijuana is a drug and illegal so is hemp?

Counter-Argument: The reality is that big business with the governments help banned hemp to ensure that they had the corner on the market for their chemical laden products.

Second Counter-Argument:

Transition to another Argument:

Conclusion (the big "So What?"--make it count)! The health benefits, cutting out our carbon foot print and saving our trees is the reason why hemp could be considered “the cure” to three major problems in the U.S.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s name Professor’s name Course Date The Benefits of Hemp Based Products The term hemp has been used to describe a non-psychoactive brand of cannabis sativa plant. Hemp has also been commonly referred as industrial hemp. Hemp and the commonly abused substance marijuana have been known to come from the same species of cannabis sativa, but their genetic composition is distinguished by the use of either chemical components or farming methods. Hemp is used for medicinal purposes, and it has been used by doctors and other medical professors to heal patients. Hemp products have been very effective and reliable, but the problem facing the use of this drug is that it is restricted by law. The law regulates the manufacture and consumption of hemp products due to the believe that this is a different way of abusing marijuana CITATION Jes17 \l 1033 (Ventura, Hobbs and Kubby). Hemp is a God-given plant, and its use has been known to record advantages to humans. Among the benefits recorded from the consumption of hemp include decreasing health problems, improving our natural environment during the cultivation process and hemp-based products will stop deforestation in the United States of America. This paper is written to resisting bodies that try to burn the use of hemp products as these products are God-given and the benefits of hemp will change our lives for the better. Hemp only records benefits to the residents of USA and should thus be embraced and made a legal medicine. I support the use of hemp-based products in our country because this product has led to health benefits to its consumers. Among the known hemp product that have recorded health benefits are hemp seeds and CBD oil. Both products are very useful and efficient when it comes to healing diseases such as cancer, but the CBD oil has mostly been preferred and recommended. The CBD oil only refers to a fuel that is made up of high-CBD and low tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) hemp, and it is very different from marijuana products. The difference between CBD hemp oil and marijuana products is that this oil is made from a lowly concentrated psychoactive THC. The composition agents of this oil are non-psychoactive as they contain little traces of THC. In hemp, THC is only present in traces while CBD is dominant CITATION Jes17 \l 1033 (Ventura, Hobbs and Kubby). The consumption of the CBD oil has been known to cause health benefits as it interacts with the natural body system and does not cause a high feeling after consumption. The fact that this product does not cause a high feeling makes it safe to use in an attempt to enjoy health benefits. These particular oil has been known to curb the effects of cancer and increase appetite in HIV positive patients. The benefits of both the hemp seeds and CBD oil are apparent, and the product should thus be made legal and free to consume and bodies trying to suppress the use of this product be burnt and charged. As it has been seen above CBD oil and hemp seeds are healthy and should thus be included in one's diet as it decreases the chances of suffering from heart diseases, it aids in digestion, helps to keep the skin in order and eases the PMS symptoms CITATION Cal07 \l 1033 (California. Secretary of State.; California. Department of Justice.). These are five benefits recorded form consuming one product, as per my view I strongly recommend individuals to regularly absorb hemp seeds and CBD oil to enjoy the above health benefits. Hemp has not only been used for health purposes, but it has also been used for building and construction. Hemp has been used in creating sustainable building practices which are meant to create additional resources in construction, demolition, maintenance, and renovation. The industrial hemp is very efficient when it comes to the development of building and structures. The construction materials are derived from the plant's fiber and hurds which are derived from the stalks of hemp. The hemp stalks are natural wood which is strong and are created through natural means, and these products are superior to both wood and petroleum products. The industrial hemp is used during construction after a combination of the hemp hurd with concrete created using lime. The mixture of hemp hurds and lime has been known to form one of the most significant building raw materials used by man and applied extensively in the United States of America known as Hempcrete. The application of hempcrete in construction has been known to save cutting of trees and thus prevent desertification. The hempcrete, when applied as a building material, is energy efficient and environmentally friendly. The industrial hemp can be applied in various construction procedures such as manufacturing insulators, particle board, in roofing, flooring and the manufacture of some products such as paints and varnishes. The use of industrial hemp in the production of products such as caulking, varnishes, and paints has been less considered as these products have alternative raw materials. The use of Hempcrete has been known to record some additional benefits to the environment such regulating temperatures and reducing the energy costs. Hemp itself as a raw material which is non-toxic and can be considered carbon silk as it used to trap carbon (Iv) oxide when it accumulates in the environment. The use of industrial hemp in construction is very advantageous as it is an environmentally friendly type of concrete that helps to reduce the amount of carbon footprint in the environment. This type of concrete has recorded advantages to both humans and the environment. This concrete has ...
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