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Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison (racist on african american people)

Essay Instructions:

Choose 1 story from 3

First choice

- Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison ( about racist on african american people - scholarship, education)


If you should this story, the writing topic will be

"Write a reflective personal essay on invisibility. Possible topics for this essay include ways in which you are invisible, ways in which other people you know or see are invisible, and ways in which you are guilty of not seeing others."

Second choice

- Trying to Find Chinatown by David Henry Hwang

(I cannot find the play online that you can read the whole story but there are some links of the play on youtube and summary. However, the link of youtube I give you has exactly the same dialog in my book)



If you choose this story/play you'll do "making argument"

"Ronnie and Benjamin disagree about the importance of ethnic heritage to identity. Make an argument for the view you find more persuasive, using the play and anything else you think supports you argument"

And if you choose this one and use other supports please include the source as well

Third choice

- What if Shakespeare Had Had a Sister? by Virginia Woolf


If you choose this story you'll do "making argument"

" Do you believe that our culture has changed so significantly in its attitudes toward women that Woolf's arguments have lost their relevance? Write an essay arguing why or why not?"

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Do you believe that our culture has changed so significantly in its attitudes toward women that Wolf’s arguments have lost their relevance? Write an essay arguing why or why not?
In her writing, Wolf had been a witness to a discriminatory trend which was glorified and normalized. During her time, women had no place and as she says, they were limited and relegated to household or subsistence chores. Men took first place in everything and were considered the heads of families as well as the bread-winners. They were accorded the respect they deserved and women were present at their pleasure. Regardless of class, women were considered inferior beings. Looking at how life is and how it has changed, one can be inclined to say that women’s lives are better or that their lives have improved and been made more comfortable or equal to that of men’s. Well, the above statement does hold some truth but it fails to capture the entire truth which is that women are still trailing men and their position in the society is still second to that of men. However, the above claim does not in any way try to take away any changes that have taken place in the society and the fact that women’s position has been greatly elevated today. There have been major wins for women who have assumed major offices and have made progress in the political world as well. The truth is, if men who lived in Wolf’s time would arise, they would indeed be shocked at how much room and space women are given today. However, looking at the often ignored or maligned stories, one realizes that women are yet to assume a similar position as that of men. For example, women holding similar positions as men are not paid as much as the men, some communities especially in Africa still consider and castigate women as creatures who are second to man, etc. While there have been some notable improvements, it would be outrageous to say that Wolf’s arguments have completely lost their significance. Wolf’s comments and arguments are still quite relevant and this essay seeks to make an argument as such.
Gender lines seem to be drawn at an early age, and while these are often ignored, they do tend to hold much ground and influence the paths boys and girls take when they grow up. A good example is the way both girls and boys stores are prepared and decorated today. For boys, the toy stores are filled with blue artifacts including toys and blankets. On the other hand, the girls’ store is often filled with pink toys as well as pink blankets and other artifacts. This simple stereotype while minor does have a great influence on how children grow up because a majority of them grow up believing whatever that was ingrained in them or that their parents made them believe as serving appropriately to their gender. Another example is the difference in the choice of profession between boys and girls. Parents will often be found unconsciously encouraging their children to pursue paths or cours...
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