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Avenue Q

Essay Instructions:
you will be attending a literary event(watching the musical \"Avenue Q\" and writing an evaluative essay about the experience. Be sure to set up a good set of criteria for your evaluation. You could concern about the plot, the effects for the society, and so on. you have to give a strong thesis statement.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Avenue Q
Avenue Q refers to an American musical contained in two acts. The music and the lyrics in Avenue Q were composed by Jeff Marx and Robert Lopez. Avenue Q is represented an a biographical and an autobiographical parable addressing the challenges experienced when a person’s enters adulthood. The characters in Avenue Q lament that they were told by their parents and television shows about how special they were as children. They were told that they would grow to become anything they want to be in life. However, they find a contrast when they grow old. It becomes a challenge to obtain the job of choice and to have the things that one aspired to have after getting old. An example of the contrast between childhood expectations and the real life in adulthood is evident in Act 1. Princeton has just graduated from college and he is anxious to know what he can do in life. With only a degree in English, he needs to find a job and an apartment and he has no experience. He lives in neighborhood of people from different areas, academic professions, and life proofs to be a challenge to him. This essay evaluates Avenue Q by focusing on its effects to the society.
Analysis of Avenue Q
Avenue Q is educative to the society on purpose of life (India 1). It creates awareness to the people about what real life is in adulthood. It opens the minds of the people not to be optimistic of the illusions of life presented at childhood by the parents and television shows such as Sesame Street. They get to understand that real life is challenging but the challenges can be overcome. Avenue Q makes people understand that the parents and such television shows are just meant to give the children hope of life so as not to give up when still young. However, avenue Q makes it clear that there is no need to give up in life because life is meaningful. In this regard, people develop an attitude of facing the life the way it is no matter the challenges faced in adulthood. In addition, Avenue Q teaches the people about the diversity of life by showing the professions of different characters such as Rod the anal-retentive republican banker, Kate Monster who works as a kindergarten-teaching assistant and Brian who wants to be a comedian among others. In addition, Avenue Q teaches about the diversity in life for example some characters are gay while others are straight. This shows that Avenue has many lessons to the people about the real life as a person reaches maturity.
Avenue Q exposes racism as a common practice in adulthood in the modern soci...
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