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Autotextography: Lose Something and Gain Something

Essay Instructions:

What is an autotextography? An autotextography is your story told through the lens or framework of your relationship with a piece of fiction and its role in your development or life. Don’t forget the narrative element… A Narrative is... A story. It has characters, usually a protagonist and an antagonist, a setting — time and place — and a plot. The plot consists of the protagonist’s actions as he/she pursues a goal in the face of challenges and obstacles presented by an antagonist (Conflict). The main antagonist can be anyone or anything that interferes with the protagonist’s ability to reach his goal. That means that a personal narrative is... Your story. It could be recounting a time in your life, or a person, a place, an event, an issue, or even an object of significance in your life. Personal narratives tend to focus on something that has changed or shaped the person you are today. Putting it all together … How have you used — or are you using — the text to navigate a stage, situation, relationship, culture or other important moment or decision in your life? ● Why have you chosen your text? ● What meaning does it have for you? ● Provide specific ways/situations in which you have “used” the text? These specifics will provide the elements of your story: What is/was the goal or obstacle (conflict) that You (the protagonist) have/had to overcome? Are/were you successful? How did you change? ● Research ○ Details from the text ○ Background information about the text or the creator that may have factored into your relationship with the text. ○ Interviews with friends or family members who were in the situation with you or can provide details about you that you may have forgotten or been unaware of Endgame Once you have conceptualized, researched and drafted your autotextography, remember that it is a narrative and that you want to keep your reader’s interest through storytelling. This may entail reworking and reorganizing — that’s fine! It’s part of the process. I am looking for details. Not just a list of events, but details that make me feel as if I were there with you in your circumstance. Think in terms of “showing not telling.” Dialogue is great, though not necessary. The events that take place in your narrative should take the reader along your journey and should take us through your “character arc,” or transformation from the beginning of your “situation” to the end. You could also think of it in terms of before you integrated the text in your life to after you integrated it. Reflect on how you have changed or continue to change since incorporating this text. Other things to remember ● Your essay should be a minimum of 3 pages. ● Use transition words to mark the passage of time (i.e two days later, several minutes later, etc.). ● There is no specific time frame for narrative in this essay. It is up to you. It could take place over a few minutes, a day, several weeks or even years like the samples read in class. This is your chance to let your creativity flow!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Lose Something and Gain Something
For two years now, my friends and I have enjoyed each other's company and our high school life. We often do not go a day without seeing each other. And when we do, there is a long-awaited reunion for each one of us. Friendship, especially in high school, is essential as it helps one develop an identity. This is how I feel amongst my friends, loved and relatable. It is hard for some people to make high school friends, and I have often pitied such students. I did not realize that I would end up becoming friends with such a person. We are seated in class when a small, tan girl walks in confidently but striding weirdly. She immediately catches the teacher's attention. She wants to know that she is in the right class. She introduces herself. Her name is Ruby, an Asian girl, and she has transferred to our school. The teacher asks her to take a seat as we continue. In a classroom, everyone always wants to know who the new student is based on how they appear. I can tell there is something about her from how she engages with other students and how she carries herself. It does not take long for her to be assimilated into one of the class's peer groups. I soon get to talk to her in a free period.
Ruby: Hey, hi?
Me: Hi.
Ruby: I feel like that's the only class I ever want to attend.
Me: Yeah, me too. I love Mr. Hoyt.
Ruby: How do you think it would be if we only studied the subjects we liked?
Me: (Taken aback) I think we would all be smart.
Ruby: Why then do we have to study all these subjects?
Me: Because we have to. If we are left to study only what we find easy, we will never achieve our potential. That's why we need to study hard.
Ruby: (Looking at me with a smile) I agree.
Ruby: Can we hang out sometime?
Me: (Reluctantly) Sure.
Ruby: Tomorrow afternoon, fine?
Me: Okay.
Ruby: (Walking away) See you then.
Me: (Smiling) Okay.
When we do hang out, I notice that Ruby can be blunt. I like that she doesn't mind speaking her mind. Unlike my friends, she does not intend to let others judge her based on her appearance, background, or social status. She is realistic, and I find that admirable. I have always admired the way people like Ruby think, like cowboys. They do not care what people think. They do what they have to do as long as it is the right thing. I can see all these traits in Ruby, and despite this, my friends do not like that I tolerate her. In addition to my friends' tendency to isolate her, other people in my class show hostility towards her. Ruby is, in other, words un-ladylike. She prefers to let her knowledge and bravery take precedence over her "girly" manners. I have no objection to this as I think that it does not matter. Everyone can choose to live their lives however they want. But my audacity is not well received by my friends. They do not wish for ...
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