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Arguments on Societal Rules: Sexual Acts Before Marriage

Essay Instructions:

In 3-5 double-spaced pages, please do the following:

Describe a societal rule or value that, growing up, you generally accepted. This can be something as simple as “don’t swim for an hour after eating.”
Detail whether you still subscribe to this rule or value.
Provide three arguments as to why you either still subscribe or no longer subscribe to this rule or value.
Provide three counterarguments to your perspective and explain why you do not find them compelling.
Include citations to specific sources for all arguments and counterarguments. Use whatever citation system you are most comfortable with and include a bibliography.

Excellent submissions will have:
Academic organization (introduction, conclusion, etc.)
Good, easy-to-follow flow
Excellent grammar and spelling
Strong argumentation
Sufficient grappling with counterarguments
Complete and recognizable citations

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Sexual Acts Before Marriage
I was raised in a strict and conservative household at a young age, which I believe has shaped who I am today. Considering that I grew up in a Christian family, a more traditional view about different aspects of life is expected. One of the prominent beliefs that I adhered to while growing up is the rule against premarital sex. During childhood, this was not much of an issue, especially because sex is not something that you ponder much on as a kid. However, gaining more exposure to different beliefs in school has led me to question the basis for this, especially when a lot of people around are already breaking it without much regard. Throughout the years, after numerous insights, I have eventually decided to still abide by this social rule, saying that I should value chastity by not committing premarital sex. In this discussion, I will present the reasons why premarital sex should not be practiced.
Why abstain from premarital sex?
Morality and Religious Beliefs
As a Christian, I am an advocate of saving sex for marriage because sex is not just an act done for self-serving reasons such as pleasure, but it is an expression of love between two people with a life-long commitment to each other. Abstaining from sex is not considered evil, but because it is a beautiful, unique, and exclusive experience. As said in the Bible, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?” (KJV Bible, Mt 19:4-5). Also, the main purpose of sex is to build a family through reproduction. Although married couples do not always do this act for the sole purpose of creating a child, having sex with a stranger or someone who is not capable of building a family with you creates numerous issues.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
A strong reason I do not engage in premarital sex is to protect myself from diseases that I can get from another person. Unfortunately, there are already numerous cases of sexually transmitted diseases varying from herpes to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other incurable diseases like the human papillomavirus (HPV). The estimated number of new cases of sexually transmitted infections per year is around 20 million, with almost 50% of the infected in their late teens to working adult years (HealthyPeople.gov).
Promotion of a Happier Marriage
Lastly, I decide to wait for marriage before having sex with a person because it results in a happier and more fulfilling marriage. A possible reason for this is that the relationship will not be based on lust and will have more opportunities to observe other important ...
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