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Write an argument from the book Beowulf

Essay Instructions:
write the book beowulf, choice a important point about the book must write a argument from the book beowulf.
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The Beowulf
Mordel and James (1999. P.122) notes that Beowulf is among the earliest existing Anglo-Saxon blockbusters. The book narrates the story on a Norse hero and warrior known as Beowulf. He is a hero for conquering and terrorizing many monsters that bothered Denmark and Sweden. The poem mainly integrates the two cultures; the Anglo-Saxon culture and Christian values. The original manuscript with the book was discovered in England and is written in old English, the language used by Anglo-Saxon invaders found in England in the periods between A.D 450 and 600 (Mordel & James, 1999, P. 129). The mystery as to who wrote Beowulf still remains unsolved, although certain texts from then book indicate that the book was probably written by a Christian after the tales of Norse and German heroes.
The writer is believed to be a monk or a poet and the actions occur in Sweden and Denmark. The culture of many warriors in the ancient German population is clearly depicted. It indicates that wars were common and fighting was a sport (Gordon, 1992, p.12). Kings provided their warriors with the basic needs, that is, food, shelter, land and weapons in return for loyalty and obedience. All the warriors were bound by oaths of loyalty and certain values were highly regarded, these include the honor to those who fight and die bravely (Gordon, 1992, p.14).
The story is divided into two parts and the first part takes place in Denmark in the throne of king Hrothgar. Beowulf, a renowned warrior travels to Denmark to assist the king destroy a monster. The second part shows Beowulf as an old man, protecting his country (Sweden) from a fearsome dragon. King Hrothgar of Denmark had built a very big assembly where his warriors met after their victorious battles to eat and rest (Gordon, 1992, p.18).
However, in his kingdom was a large monster named Grendel who lived with his mother also a monster. His mother possessed some unique characteristic as she was indestructible to human weapons making it difficult to kill her. Grendel detests king Hrothgar’s warriors and one night after some heavy drinking and jubilations, the warriors get into deep sleep. Grendel kills thirty warriors and carries their bodies to eat (Gordon, 1992, p.31). The Danes mourn the death of their men but do not think that Grandel will return later, however, Grendel comes back and kills more men. Pritchard (1994, 104) adds that despite the many prayers to the gods by the Danes, Grandel terrorizes them for more than a decade. The news of his attacks spread to neighboring kingdoms and eventually gets to the Geats of Southern Sweden where Beowulf lives and is a mighty warrior who has killed giants and monsters. He has many values that other warriors envy, strength, courage and articulate skills in the battle field (Gordon, 1992, p.17). Once the news of Grendel’s deeds get to him, he decides to sail to Denmark and assist the king. Hrothgar’s hope only lies in Beowulf. He carries with him a ship of fifteen brave warriors and arrives in Denmark where the king throws a big party for them. Grendel appears the same night and kills one of Beowulf’s men, thus a struggle ensues between the two (Gordon, 1992, p.25). Grendel frees himself but his arm is left in Beowulf’s grip, this is later hung as a trophy for all to see. The monster later dies in its cave. Their troubles do not however end as Grendel’s mother vows to revenge her son’s death by killing the king Hrothgar’s personal adviser and carries Grendel’s arm with her. The Danes call for Beowulf again who tracks the monster to the swamp. Beowulf gets into the water and tries to slash the beast with a sword, only to be dragged at the corner of the cave (Gordon, 1992, p.40). Grendel’s mother is not at all hurt by human weapons and he thus almost kills Beowulf, he manages to save himself with a giant sword hanging on the wall of the cave, which he uses to finish off the monster by cutting off its head. As Beowulf leaves, he notices the corpse of Grendel which he slices the head using the giant sword and carries both heads from the cave together with the remains of the sword. Beowulf and his warriors return to Sweden where he is made king (Gordon, 1992, p.38).
Richard et al, (2005, p.6) notes that...
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