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AP Research- Modern Mythology in Today’s World Literature Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please follow the instructions carefully and try to copy the example essay's format.

Please use the annotated bibliography document for all the sources and explain/cover every field that is listed below the instruction document.


IDC4UI/AP Literature Review Assignment


Big Idea:  Evaluate Multiple Perspectives; Synthesize Ideas


Essential Question: How should I research my question?


Learning Goals:

I can:

●     understand the different perspectives and approaches used in my discipline(s);

●     analyse and describe the impact on society of the problem my research responds to

●     synthesize and classify key research sources

●        understand the philosophical worldview my research assumes

●        communicate effectively in writing for an academic audience




By now, you have identified a problem in the world that your research question proposes to investigate. You have cast a wide net in searching for sources in your 50 source assignment, and you have honed in on sources that are crucial to your project in your annotated bibliography. The next step in your research journey (QUEST) is to write an introduction and literature review for your research topic. This introduction will provide the background information your reader needs in order to understand your topic of inquiry. It is your chance to share with your reader the important context and knowledge you have gained in the past few months and to convince them of the value of your research.


Task: You will write a self-contained essay that does the following:


●       Introduces your topic by identifying a problem in the world that your topic will ultimately work toward addressing

●       Explain the philosophical worldview that your research assumes. (Think back to our work on the philosophical basis of different research methods.)

●       Define any key terms that will be important to an understanding of your topic.

●       Explain and synthesize the important work and perspectives that already exist in your field

●       Identify a clear gap in the existing research

●       Explain how the research and gap have led to your research question and identify your question.




Assessment Criteria:


Knowledge - you will:

●     Understand the different perspectives and approaches related to your area of study

●     Understand the philosophical worldview on which your study is based


Thinking – you will: 

●     Analyze and describe the impact on society of the problem your research proposes to address

●     Synthesize and classify resources to show their relationship to each other and to the research problem


Communication – you will:

●     Communicate clearly in writing (organize your literature review into a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion; use topic and concluding sentences; cite sources appropriately using both in-text citation and source lists)


Application - you will:

●       apply your knowledge of the existing research to identify a relevant gap in the research

●       use evidence to present the value of the inquiry to the field.


Due Date: Before you leave for the break.





Learning Category

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4


-Understand the different perspectives and approaches related to your area of study

-Understand the philosophical worldview on which your study is based

-demonstrates limited understanding of the “body of knowledge” related to the topic of inquiry - description of the main perspectives and arguments may be missing or underdeveloped

-demonstrates limited understanding of the philosophical worldview on which the project is based -- description of the philosophical worldview may be very brief, flawed, and/or significantly underdeveloped

-demonstrates some understanding of the “body of knowledge” related to the topic of inquiry - the main perspectives and arguments are described, but need to be considered in more detail to present a clear picture of the present state of the field

-demonstrates a some understanding of the philosophical worldview on which the project is based -- description of the philosophical worldview is present, but needs more development

-demonstrates a solid understanding of the “body of knowledge” related to the topic of inquiry - description of the main perspectives and arguments are clear

-demonstrates a solid understanding of the philosophical worldview on which the project is based -- description of the philosophical worldview is clear

-demonstrates an exemplary understanding of the “body of knowledge” related to the topic of inquiry - description of the main perspectives and arguments in the field are detailed and clear

-demonstrates an exemplary understanding of the philosophical worldview on which the project is based -- description of the philosophical worldview is detailed and clear


-Analyze and describe the impact on society of the problem your research proposes to address

-Synthesize and classify resources to show their relationship to each other and to the research problem

-analyzes and describes with limited effectiveness the impact on society of the problem the research proposes to address -- significance of the problem is unclear

-synthesizes and classifies resources to show their relationship to each other and to the research problem with limited effectiveness -- gaps are missing or unconvincing; tensions are significantly underdeveloped

-analyzes and describes with some effectiveness the impact on society of the problem the research proposes to address -- there is some indication of the significance of the problem, but it needs further development

-synthesizes and classifies resources to show their relationship to each other and to the research problem with some effectiveness -- gaps and tensions are emerging but need considerable development

-analyzes and describes with considerable effectiveness the impact on society of the problem the research proposes to address -- the significance of the problem is clear

-synthesizes and classifies resources to show their relationship to each other and to the research problem with considerable effectiveness -- gaps and tensions are clear but would benefit from further development

-effectively analyzes and describes the impact on society of the problem the research proposes to address -- the significance of the problem is clear and well-developed

-thoroughly and effectively synthesizes and classifies resources to show their relationship to each other and to the research problem -- gaps and tensions are clear


-Communicate clearly in writing (organize your literature review into a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion; use topic and concluding sentences; cite sources appropriately using both in-text citation and source lists)

-the piece needs significant work in order to communicate meaning effectively; introduction and/or conclusion may be missing or underdeveloped

-topic and concluding sentences may be missing

-the writing needs greater polish: errors interfere with meaning

-transitions are missing

-in-text citations and source lists contain several errors or do not follow an appropriate format

-the piece is somewhat well-written, using an introduction and conclusion

-topic and concluding sentences may be ineffective

-the writing is somewhat polished with few (7-9) minor errors that usually do not interfere with meaning

-transitions may be missing and/or ineffective

-in-text citations and source lists follow an appropriate format with several minor errors

-the piece is well-written, using a clear introduction and conclusion

-topic and concluding sentences are present

-the writing is considerably polished with few (4-6) minor errors that do not interfere with meaning

-transitions are present

-in-text citations and source lists follow an appropriate format with only minor errors

-the piece is exceptionally well-written, using a clear, engaging introduction and a satisfying conclusion

-topic and concluding sentences are effective

-the writing is polished with very few (1-3) minor errors that do not interfere with meaning

-transitions lead the reader smoothly through the piece

-in-text citations and source lists follow an appropriate format flawlessly


-apply your knowledge of the existing research to identify a relevant gap in the research

-use evidence to present the value of the inquiry to the field.


-the connections between the conversations in the field are unconvincing or absent

-the gap in the research is unclear

- the value of the inquiry is unclear

-connects the conversations in the field to identify a gap in the research, but more development is needed to indicate the relevance of the gap

- the value of the inquiry to the field of study and how the inquiry grows out of and will add to existing knowledge needs further development

-connects the conversations in the field to identify a clear, relevant gap in the research

- conveys the value of the inquiry to the field of study, demonstrating how the inquiry grows out of and will add to existing knowledge

-convincingly connects the conversations in the field to identify a clear, relevant gap in the research

-convincingly conveys the value of the inquiry to the field of study, effectively demonstrating how the inquiry grows out of and will add to existing knowledge



Essay Sample Content Preview:
[Your Name]
[Instructor Name]
[Course Number]
Modern Mythology in Today’s World
Myth has found its way in modern discourses such as digital films which have provided a larger audience and in visual elements on televisions and video games. Even though some of these modern mythologies have developed from artistic creations, some have their origins in ancient times, and historical events which gave birth to the characters at one point in existence. Just like every other myth, modern mythology evokes the feeling of wonder and marvel around a specific character or entity. These have found themselves in modern times, not only to offer an aesthetic value but also to inform. For example, for centuries, people use ancient legends to acknowledge new generations about the importance of protecting the ocean (Linsky & Catherine, 2011).
Modern mythology explores both the good and bad aspects of life, where each one of these has their consequences. Actions have their consequences; in that, the good deeds are rewarded while evil or bad ones are punished. Some modern myths just like the ancient ones inquire into being human about natural phenomena or entities. There has always been a relationship between operatic genre, mythology, and society with mythology. It explores the relationship between operatic genre, mythology, and society. It is, therefore, accurate to opine that the interpretation of opera can be associated with mythology. It is not only a content analysis, but it is also an observational study of how different systems of Opera correlate to mythology from old times, and society from today (Kotnik, 2004).
Comic books have become a vital tool used to import modern mythology for the imaginary world and the mentality of today’s society, especially in the Western world. There are close ties in the disciplines of history, anthropology, cultural studies, linguistics and sociology and other aspects derived from the relationship between comic books and myths. It is worthy to note that comic books have played a major role in influencing the economic, social and psychological lens from which we view today’s world (Teampau,2015). Heroes and characters in comic books, just like in ancient myths have extraordinary powers and supernatural abilities not exhibited by humans. Comic books act as a bridge between ancient times and modern times; ancient mythology is connected to modern mythology through this medium.
Historical interpretation of entities and what they meant, and their relationship to today’s modern world is another key important factor of modern mythology. Different cultures have had different interpretations of mythologies and what they meant to them. The existence of mermaids have been mythically represented in different cultures, and what the creatu...
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