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Anti-authoritarian and Anti-war in The World is A Beautiful Place by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

Essay Instructions:

Make a claim about how one poem from our selected readings satisfies the best.
How does the poet create this meaning? What poetic device(s) does the poet employ to create and emphasize the meaning?
Support your argument with at least 2 citations.
Plus, cite a critic (perhaps one in the above commentary or one you found in our library's databases) who agrees or disagrees with your claim.
Submit a Microsoft Word document. Follow MLA protocol. (Cite the line(s) of the poem, not the page number, in the text of your essay.)
Include a Works Cited page.
Poem choices:
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti: "the world is a beautiful place" ; Youtube: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=l11MUjuK43M
- Billy Collins: two poems about what dogs think- ted talk:https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=DOvbl3ZPPV4
- Charles Bukowski "the laughing heart" : https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=FQNmu1Q9NzA
- Kim Addonizio "Bukowskin in a sundress": https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=PXf9lJJn-58
-Allen Ginsberg reads "A supermarket in california" - Youtube:https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=AhTh01CO60Y

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Poem Analysis: The World is a Beautiful Place by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Every poet writes their works to try and convey a message to its readers, and although they achieve this, some poems manage to carry more meaning. The poem "The world is a beautiful place" by Lawrence Ferlinghetti is one that satisfies the best from the selected readings. The author uses the poem as an expression of how the world is, with the contradictions where there is happiness as well as tragedies. Although he uses the title of the world being a beautiful place, there is an equally negative side of the world, and he uses the poem to imply that there is a balance of light and darkness.
Ferlinghetti uses poetic devices throughout the poem to create and emphasize the meaning of the poem. He uses figurative language to bring out the world's contrast in the line, "comes the smiling/mortician" (lines 63 and 64), an oxymoron that he uses as a symbol of death. Although death is a sad event, Ferlinghetti depicts it as 'smiling' which helps to show the contrasting world with happiness and sadness. He also u...
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