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Anthropology: How Savage And Ruthless Human Beings Can Be

Essay Instructions:

I need an essay done before midnight tomorrow, preferably no later than 10 PM P.T on Nov. 21st. I would recommend choosing the 7th prompt. All I require is quality work that is free of plagiarism and meets the requirements, thank you.

Writing Assignment 2

20 Points

Please use complete sentences to write your essay. Be sure to answer all of the questions or statements posed fully and thoughtfully. Please type your answers using 12-point, Times New Roman font, double-spaced and 700-1,000 words in length (approximately 3 to 4 pages). Use your own words and site your sources accordingly, when paraphrasing AND when using direct quotes.Do not use Wikipedia or BAIDU as a source.

Each prompt is worth 20 points.

Writing Assignment 2 (choose ONE of the Seven prompts)

1. The Hawaiian Islands have many sacred sites that are very important to the native people. Do some research and discuss one or two of these sites. Why are they considered sacred? Who had access to them in the past? What role did they play for ancient Hawaiians? How are they being preserved today?

2. We briefly discussed Queen Liliuokalani in our class. Do some additional research on her and discuss how she was raised, what age she was when she became queen, her accomplishment as a queen to the Hawaiian culture, and what happened to her after the US overthrew Hawaii.

3. Research the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, starting with the following:http://time(dot)com/6997/cambodias-khmer-rouge-trials-are-a-shocking-failure/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Find information as to why the court took so long to try the perpetrators of the Cambodian Genocide. Include in your essay, which perpetrators were brought to trial and why, who was not tried as a war criminal and why, and what the convictions and sentences have been. Are you surprised by the timing of the tribunal? Why or why not? Please express your personal feelings and thoughts on this process.

4. In class, we discussed the deportation of Cambodians who did not have United States' citizenship and were convicted of aggregated felonies, despite their time in the US (and sentences served). 

What are the contemporary concerns? How many people are facing deportation and how many have already been deported? Can you find any information on those who are now living in Cambodia? What is the status of those who are awaiting deportation? Do you believe this is a fair practice? Please express your personal feelings and thoughts on this process.

5. Assignment: Discuss your reaction to the material that has been presented on the Cambodian genocide. Some things you might think about include:

Were you aware of the Khmer Rouge and the Cambodian genocide or was this new information to you?

What do you think about the role of the United States and China leading up to, and during, the Khmer Rouge regime?

How has this information affected you personally?

Suggest ways in which genocide can be avoided in the future. How should the international community react when hearing news of these kinds of events? How would you want your country to respond?

For full points YOU MUST USE examples from our class discussions and the films or other resources and please cite properly. 

6.Visit this website:

https://www(dot)canbypublications(dot)com/siemreap/srothersr.htm (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Find a Khmer performing artist to write about (one or two). Look into the different events in this website and see who is performing. Find some history on the artist or the band you choose and report what you have found. Consider where they are from, their age, why they are performing and at which festival, their family background, etc. Try to discuss too if there is music that is considered political music in these festivals, based on our definition? Why or why not?

7. Assignment: Read the following: 10 Stages of Genocide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

Look at the following websites:






Write a summary about one of the current situations highlighted on the websites and discuss the stages or stage that you believe this may fall into at this time. Were you aware of this situation? What did you learn from the websites? Please express your personal feelings and thoughts on this information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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History has various examples of just how savage and ruthless, human beings can be, towards each other. There are well-documented incidents that illustrate the impact of what hatred and negative ethnocentrism can do to human beings. The determination of some people to exterminate some other groups of people is one of the most astounding aspects of hatred. Mass exterminations, or genocides, involve the systematic, planned elimination of a certain group of people, based on their ethnicity or some particular demographic characteristic. The Rwanda genocide is arguably one of the most infamous example of genocide on the planet. Others include the Holocaust and the killings in the former Yugoslavia. Genocide usually has stages, from the time such a thought is conceived to the actual act of extermination, and subsequent denial. This paper looks at the various links covering instances of genocide, offering some reflective insights on some.
From the videos, the most current example that bears the hallmarks of a genocide in the making is the plight of the Rohingya people. The Rohingya are a small ethnic group living in Myanmar, which is typically made up of Muslims and some Indians (Benesch 191). The group has been one of the most marginalized in the country. Successive governments have been gradually pushing these people further and further out of the nation's society, and too imminent oblivion. What is happening currently however in the country, is what has raised eyebrows the world over. The president has been accused of intentionally persecuting these people, denying them their basic rights and even using military force on them.
There are eight stages of genocide. They include; classification, dehumanization, symbolization, organization, polarization preparation., extermination and denial. In classification stage, there is characteristic distinguishing of people as "us and them." Symbolization, on the other hand, involves giving of names and symbols that differentiate a group of individuals from the rest (Staub). Dehumanization is one of the critical stages of genocide as one group tends to deny the humanity of others.
Condemnation of the use of hate speech is a relevant solution to the dehumanization act of genocide. Organization stage involves the stipulation of a goal that the group aims at. Furthermore, in the polarization stage, the aimed goal stipulated in the organization stage is now achieved as extremists drive the group apart. Once the group is set apart by the extremists. Last but not least, the genocidal act enters the extermination stage (Staub). This is the worst stage as it leads to the mass killing of individuals. Denial stage is the last stage where the perpetrators of the genocidal act dig up graves and bury the massacred victims and eliminate any form of evidence in the form of witness.
I believe the plight of the Rohingya people is in the extermination stage. Such is as a result of the massive killing and u...
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