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Analyze Resoures: The Problem Is That Free College Isn’t Free

Essay Instructions:

Throughout the course, we have learned that being part of a conversation involves more than voicing your own opinion. It also involves more than simply repeating what others have said. Indeed, we must learn to analyze and think critically about our sources so we can use them in a strategic yet responsible way. Your aim in this exercise will be to analyze sources and examine what strategies the author deploys to achieve his or her rhetorical objective. Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.
Invention and Inquiry• Select 2 sources related to your topic;• There should be one good, one bad。 • Explore the context in which the document was published (author, publication source and platform, publication date,socio-cultural and political environment, etc.)• Analyze the source according to rhetorical methods discussed in class, with particular emphasis on the author’s argument and evidence, use of language, and social context.• Make notes about the ways in which the author deploys rhetorical strategies to achieve a particular objective given the situational constraints and textual foci listed above.
The Composing Process• Compose a paragraph in which you introduce your sources and its relevance to the topic/conversation you have been researching this semester;• Draw a conclusion based on your analysis using evidence gathered through your analysis.The conclusion should identify the strengths and limitations of the argument and the extent to which you find it rhetoricallyeffective or ineffective.
You should anticipate that readers have some education and knowledge of the subject but do not necessarily possess a clear or complete understanding of it—or the ways in which authors rhetorically craft information to influence thought and action.
Specific RequirementsYour paper should:• Focus on a source related to your research topic;• Analyze the sources according to rhetorical framework;• Be 4 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman);• Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabus and schedule for details).
The writing you complete for this exercise is designed to help you develop your rhetorical knowledge of texts and arguments that contribute to the conversation you have begun to research. You will use elements of this analysis for Paper II, so think about ways you can continue to build on, develop, and refine your workas you move forward with the inquiry. Please contact me if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Source Analysis
Source Analysis
Bad article
Kelly, A. (2016). The Problem is That Free College Isn’t Free. New York Times. Retrieved October 26, 2017 from /roomfordebate/2016/01/20/should-college-be-free/the-problem-is-that-free-college-isnt-free
The Problem is That Free College Isn’t Free is the title of an article written by Kelly Andrew. Kelly is a scholar and “the director of the Center on Higher Education Reform at the American Enterprise Institute.” For him, college education should not be free, and the talk of making it free should not be entertained. His arguments are well thought and seem to drive the point home that indeed college education should not be free. His article appeared in the New York Times on 20th January 2016 when a panel in which he was a member was debating the issue of having college education made free.
In his article, Kelly aptly uses illustration to help his readers understand his viewpoint. First of all, he says that free college “simply shifts costs from students to taxpayers and caps tuition at zero.” He continues to illustrate how the money colleges spend yearly will not change but remain the same despite any changes. This cost, he says will continue to grow and eventually it will overwhelm the government. From his illustration, one understands that Kelly is a person who not only understands the workings of a college but also the cost of running a college institution. His illustration helps one to understand how making college free can even crash the government by increasing expenditure which as expected is always delegated to the taxpayers. Additionally, he also illustrates how California failed in its attempt at making community college cheap. While he can be mean with the details, he explicitly demonstrates how California’s state budget for higher education was strained as a result of the move to make education cheap. Eventually, he shows how many students missed their chance of getting a college education because schools “turned away 600,000 students.” Kelly’s illustrations are quite vivid and goes a long way in helping a reader understand his viewpoint.
Kelly also utilizes description in his article as he tries to drive his argument home. In his push to make readers understand why free college education is not free, Kelly describes how people could be misguided to believe that tuition prices often hinder student success. In his description, he uses the example of community colleges which despite being established specifically for the low-income student never really seem to churn as many graduates as the private institutions. His description is quite vivid, and he also helps his readers to understand his position.
His language is also one that endears him to his readers. Kelly uses simple vocabularies and seems to take his readers slowly while explaining every bit or piece of information. Choice of language can either make one’s article to stand out and attract readers or fit in the common category and be boring to readers. However, Kelly is wise and seems to want to attract as many readers as possible and hence his choice of language.
Finally, his article while presenting deep arguments is bad mainly because he supports the idea that education should only be for those who “need it most.” This means that the government should only focus on the students who ...
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