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Analysis of Sam Harris' "Lying"

Essay Instructions:

How does Sam Harris define lying, and what's remarkable about his perspective on it?

Things to consider:

1. What struck you as particularly interesting?

2. What did you think of his examples, and do you have any of your own?

3. Where is the line between acceptable lying and unacceptable lying in his view?

4. How do his ideas compare to our lives, our relationships, our behavior, our politics, our psychology?

5. How persuasive did you find his arguments, being specific about what they are?

Please use and quote the text where you can. Always feel free to offer outside examples, stories, and research, linking to them.

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Analysis of Sam Harris' "Lying"
Harris has different and distinct sets of mindsets in his book entitled "Lying." Here, he described and analyzed lying, its components, its factors, and the different perspectives. Due to his elaborations, many realizations surface when one reads his statements. Whether lying is done for the good or the evil, it is essential to understand that even the slightest deception is iniquitous, for it ruins trust and relationships.
Harris defined lying in the most ambiguous ways, where he did not create a fine line of distinction. Instead, the author utilized examples and forms, which were imprecise, but these were meant to stimulate the reader's critical mind. Initially, he characterized people as individuals who often mistake deception as lying and vice-versa. Contrary to the belief, there are many forms of deception, but not all of them pertain to lying. For instance, a woman who earns to look younger uses cosmetics. The woman will look full of youth, but in reality, she already has wrinkles and dark circles, which were masked by the make-up. This is a form of deception but not lying.
On the other hand, lying is defined as an act by which the fabricator intentionally misinforms other people to have misinterpretations and beliefs that are untrue. The gravity of the falsified belief is directly proportional to the magnitude of the lies. Additionally, lying has the intention of distorting the truth and removes the importance of honest communication. The liars fulfill their needs while the people being lied are reduced from their liberty to understand or choose thoroughly (Harris 4-6).
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