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Analysis and Response to "The Judgment of Thamus" by Neil Postman

Essay Instructions:

Analysis of & response to “The Judgment of Thamus,” Neil Postman, RPC, p. 151,Compose a short essay of at least 2 well-developed paragraphs to describe the argument he is making, using quotes from the text to back up your point, as well as summary and paraphrase as appropriate.

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Response Journal: Judgment of Thamus
In Judgment of Thamus, Neil Postman begins with an allusion to Plato’s Phaedrus, where Egyptian King Thamus entertained Theuth, “the inventor of many things” (p.3). In the story, Theuth tries to convince King Thamus that writing would improve the memory and wisdom of the Egyptians. King Thamus, however, is not convinced and argues that writing will destroy memory; instead of using their internal resources, those who use writing will rely on external stimuli in order to remember things. It is this allusion that guides the rest of Postman’s chapter. In the chapter, Postman argues that technology, just like writing, is a burden and a blessing, creates knowledge monopolies, and brings war between the old and the new. Essentially, the author argues that technology changes everything and we should take time to reflect on the effects of new technology on the society.
A key point brought forth in the chapter is that technology is both a burden and a blessing. The author points out that there are many “one-eyed” individuals who only see the benefits that technology can bring but not what can undo. In describing these individuals, Postman notes that “they gaze on technology as a lover does on his beloved, seeing it as without blemish and entertaining no apprehension for the future” (p.5). The author also points out that on the other hand, lies those who only speak of its burdens. I agree fully with the author that technology is both beneficial and costly to the society. While it gives, it al...
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