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Analysis of "The Beast in the Jungle" by Henry James (1843-1916)

Essay Instructions:
Support your assertion as correctly as possible, referring to specific event/passage in the text or quoting from the text. Always give full yet economical answers. Keep the passage of citation short, a single word, a phrase, even a line or two. Whenever possible, do close textual analysis(CTA) of brief passages. Look at single words or phrases and discuss their grammatical, linguistic and/or rhetorical features. As much as half of your essay should be CTA. In analyzing your poem, it may be an explictaion or analysis. Bothe require that you formulate a thesis statement and support it with evidence from the text. Never merely identify an aspect of a work of art, put differently, identification for the sake of identification is superficial. If you account for the ideology of the text and do so with intelligent and profound insight, you are in \\\"above average\\\" range. To achieve the \\\"superior\\\" range, you must do some CTA and you must account for the \\\"aesthetics\\\" of the work of art.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor: Course/Subject: Date: Analysis of "The Beast in the Jungle" The realization of man obsessed with the image of himself as an icon of importance, preferably someone who is likely to be the limelight of a phenomenon, can highly be considered as purely egotistic and vain. The character John Marcher in Henry James` novella "The Beast in the Jungle" best exemplifies this kind of egotism, having a firm belief that an overwhelming occurrence will take part in his life in the future. This novella is closely analysed as a representation or narration of man`s narcissistic nature, especially on thinking highly of himself. Marcher for instance, in the first chapter, recognizes the existence of the phenomenon as "appearing natural", and that according to what he confided to his acquaintance May Bertram, "…deepest thing within you, the sense of being kept for something rare and strange." There are two hints of vanity embedded in this statement (revealed during an early set in the story): one is the fact that he regarded himself as someone special or carries an air of importance; and next is the main idea that he had dared confide this perception to someone else persuasively. Later on in the story, his egotism continues to blind him from the reality of life, having a deeper relationship with Bertram although uncommitted. Furthermore, the idea of desire being extraordinary—although in the story, it was presented rather absurdly—was best explained by Marcher`s anticipation. This anticipation creates some flair of pathos both for him and Bertram, however insensitive Marcher was presented. Particularly on the last chapters, upon the realization of his loss, James has exhibited a profound emotional mountain through the death of Bertram. Discussing further on the role of Bertram in the novella, it can be safe to consider that it was her death that revealed Marcher`s highly anticipated phenomena. "Catastrophic" it may be, Bertram can be a representation of a lost opportunity. She was saintly in nature, understanding and naïve, especially on the way she never mocked the philosophy of Marcher no matter the times it was confided to her. Although timid, the character Bertram is subtly useless in a sense that she never negated the arguments of Marcher, but rather smoothed him with her assuring sentiments, promising him and making him continue to ...
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