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An Analysis of Literature Pieces from the Antiquity

Essay Instructions:

My time period is Antiquity (Mesopotamia) and the two pieces of literature is (Epic of Gilgamesh and Enuma Elish).

The primary goal of this assignment is to prove that two pieces of literature are both good examples or good representations of a specific time period because they both use important literary devices, writing styles, themes, or other written elements that match that time period.

For example, a student writing this essay might argue that two different short stories from the 1940s are both great examples of the Modernist Movement because they both feature first-person narrators, the stream-of-consciousness writing style, and address the negative feelings people had about the war.

Select two works of literature inside your chosen time period. Note: Both works must come from our textbook , and if you choose something we did not read in class, I will ask you to submit reading notes to prove that you did read the other story. For example:

If you choose the Epic of Gilgamesh, you will also need to read Enuma Elish

Write a 900-1100 word research-based analysis essay including the following:

Well-developed introduction paragraph with complete thesis statement.

Sample thesis statement: Although Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" and H. P. Lovecraft's "The Colour Out of Space" were written more than 50 years apart, both of these stories are excellent examples of the American Gothic Movement because they both focus on the dark side of human emotions, feature a sense of helplessness, and include vivid descriptions of violent deaths.

Brief summary of your chosen time period or literary movement.

This should be a very short section, one to two paragraphs maximum (recommended 200 words or fewer).

Use this paragraph as a place to provide necessary background information on your chosen period or literary movement. Please focus on what was going with literature at the time; do not just give a Wikipedia-like info dump. Remember that this is a literature paper, not a history paper!

Analysis of your two chosen stories/poems to prove that they are good representatives of their time period/movement.

This should be the longest section of the paper (recommended 700 words or more).

Note: You are not comparing and contrasting the two stories/poems against each other here. The goal of this section is not just to find similarities and differences between the two pieces of literature. Instead, the goal of this section is to show how both pieces of literature match the time period/movement they came from and help to express the values, beliefs, and writing styles that were popular during that time. Finding similarities between the stories or poems can help prove they are both good examples of the time period/movement, but the goal of the paper is not just to compare the two stories/poems to each other.

Some possible topics to discuss: Similar literary devices (repetition, personification, etc.) used in both stories that match their culture/time period, similar themes or major ideas in the stories that help express their culture’s views, similar plot structures or character archetypes that show what their cultures/time periods valued in people, similar religious concepts, similar writing styles that helped express the culture/time period, etc.

A solid conclusion paragraph that recaps on each main point from the body and then provides closure to the essay overall by discussing in a few sentences how literature is a record of the culture, beliefs, and values people had both in the past and present.

Your essay must use a total of five sources. Two of your sources will be the pieces of literature you are analyzing. The other three sources must come from the library database. No websites except .edu websites will be allowed as sources, unless you get specific permission from the professor.

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August 6, 2021
Literary Analysis of Literature Pieces from the Antiquity
Understanding the relationship between historical literature and the period when they were created is essential for any reader. It allows him to better appreciate how the recurring themes are presented in line with the dominant practices and techniques used in that era. Accordingly, this article would focus on the analysis of Shin-Leqi-Unninni's Epic of Gilgamesh (Gilgamesh) and the Babylonian Enuma Elish, both of which were created during the period of Antiquity. In the succeeding sections of this article, I would analyze the similarities between these two texts in line with the dominant themes present during those times. Overall, the author believes that both of these pieces will be a strong representation of Mesopotamian literature because of its subject, purpose, and genre.
The Mesopotamian Literature
One of the main distinguishing features of these two pieces of literature is their nature. Gilgamesh and Enuma Elish are both considered mythologies. They focus on stories of creation and the human relationship with their creators. For example, in Gilgamesh, King Uruk's, and Enkidu's great quests and adventures, there were several gods and greater beings like Humbaba, who was considered the guardian of the forest where the gods lived CITATION Geo09 \l 1033 (George). It must be noted from the plot that gods, deities, and other supernatural beings had direct and significant interactions with the story's main protagonists. Furthermore, the story also emphasizes the god's tendency to intervene with human lives, like when they created a wild man to prevent Gilgamesh from his oppressive actions. It must be noted that this tendency of the gods to intervene directly in humans' lives willfully is characteristic of early pieces of mythology such as those written by the Greeks and the Egyptians, among others.
Similarly, this mythological theme was very dominant in the Enuma Elish. In fact, a significant volume of this literary piece revolves around gods' lives, particularly the conflict and chaos between them. This does not only suggest that gods and humans are significantly linked to one another but also the fact that both of them have the tendency to become affected by their whims. This can be exemplified in the passage, "Let me put blood together, and make bones too. Let me set up primeval man: Man shall be his name". It could be noted from this very passage that mankind was created in form and the likeness of their creators, which resembles other stories such as the one from the Chapter of Genesis in the Bible.
Additionally, it is also worth noting that rather than merely being a creation of the gods, mankind in this mythological work was shown to have a direct and significant relationship with them. For example, the first wan Lullu was said to have been created by Ea from the blood of Quingu, which signifies a relatively direct relationship between the two realms and classifications of beings. This represented another mythological subject that aimed to determine the origins of mankind and their relationship to their creators.
Another recurrent characteristic of Mesopotamian literature is its functional and practical purpose. As one of the earliest forms of writing, M...
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