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Analysis of Escape from Freedom and Come Out the Wilderness

Essay Instructions:

1) Make a connection between Fromm's Escape from Freedom and Baldwin's "Come Out the Wilderness" See the lecture video for some ideas. 5-10 sentences.

2) Analyze "Come Out the Wilderness" using the **six basic elements of fiction: plot, point-of-view, characterization, setting, style, theme. Again see the video for some ideas. 3-6 sentences for each of the six elements.


Come Out the Wilderness (pp.195-227)

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Question 1
"Come Out the Wilderness"
"Escape from Freedom" is a psychological book that culminates the history of Nazis in the 20th century. It illustrates the leadership of Adolf Hitler under the Nazi party in the middle ages. The rise of Hitler to power is the most unexplained entity in the "escape from freedom." Adolf Hitler is one of the most inhumane leaders in the history of leadership in the globe. His democracy did not allow for freedom, neither did it make people safe. According to Fromm (1992), the susceptibility of Nazi leadership is characterized by psychological problems orchestrated in world war two. "come out the wilderness" illustrates Ruth and her white boyfriend's story, both of them work casual jobs in the city. Baldwin phenomenally builds the story; he tries to illustrate what it is to be a black woman.
Additionally, Ruth's story reflects the escape from the wilderness and realizing self-worth by denying men's chances of using her as a sexual object. At the end of the story, Ruth asserts her identity first and never compromises her worth. Both "Escape from Freedom" and "Come Out the Wilderness" have a similar perception. The two stories are focused on showing the efforts of people to come out of captivity. Moreover, they also show how people get tricked with simple things; for example, Ruth is tricked by appearance. She is also confused by the emotional attachment between her boss Amr. Davis and Paul were making her make the wrong decisions. The two stories reflect the struggle for freedom and the challenges faced by ignorance to understanding self-worth. Therefore, the two stories are psychologically inter-connected (Fromm, p359-361).
Question 2
* Themes
Baldwin reflects several themes in "Come Out Wilderness" book, for example, race and gender. Ruth is used as an object of sexual gratification due to her gender. It is the primary theme in this book, and it shows how society imagines the female gender. Both Paul and Davis use her to satisfy their sexual desires. Additionally, it also ...
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