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Analysis of Bush's Bullhorn Speech & Malala's Nobel Prize Lecture

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Please read the instruction of L04 assignments and use the L04 template to answer the question. Please watch the assign speech video before started.
For part 2, my speech topic is analysis Barack Obama’s “Our Responsibility as Fathers”.

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Analysis of President Bush's September 14, 2001 Bullhorn Speech
Malala Yousafzai's Nobel Prize Lecture
(Part 1: Lesson 4)
Part 1
1 General and Specific Purposes in President Bush's Address What was President Bush's general purpose? Evidence
The general purpose of President Bush Bullhorns' speech on September 14, 2001, was to commemorate the 9/11 attack. Also, it was to motivate and evoke the feeling of the Americans. President Bush was emphatic and assured his people that he understood what they were going through and the enemy would be held accountable.
What was President Bush's specific purpose? Evidence
The specific speech of president Bush was to address America after the 9/11 tragedy at Ground Zero. The president's responsibility was to provide direction and comfort to the victims and the entire Nation. The speech evoked patriotism and assured the attackers that they would be held accountable. It was the norm for presidents to address the Nation after a tragedy( Lynn,2007)
1 General and Specific Purposes in Malala Yousafzai's Address What was Malala Yousafzai's general purpose? Evidence
The general purpose of Malala's speech was to inform the audience about the plight of children in Pakistan and the world, especially women, to access quality education. She uses her life experience, invited audience as victims, and data to emphasize the essential need. Malala used an emphatic voice and was loud enough to convince the audience why she needed support to take care of the girls. She is passionate and convincing in her voice; she even notes that her life purpose is to make sure no child misses education.
What was Malala Yousafzai's specific purpose? Evidence
Malala's speech's specific purpose was to inform the world about the plights vulnerable, and innocent kids go through to attain education and why her foundation needed funds to educate more children. She addressed the audience at the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, the norm after being awarded. She was grateful and used emphatic and more personal words such as dear brothers and sisters to allude to the audience that it was their collective responsibility to ensure children got quality education ( Malala,2014). She recognized some victims in the crowd and worldwide, making it more personal. In addition, she used words such as victims, innocent, vulnerable, and war to highlight the injustices of the government. She also shared memories of how she was attacked and targeted for assassination by the Taliban, making the speech credible to the audience.
2. Types and Quality of Supporting Materials Used by President Bush
* State of the Nation:
Supporting Evidence: direct observation
1 People Gathered at Ground zero
2 President Bush highlights that the Nation is on its knees
3 And people who knocked on this building
B Grief to anger, anger to resolution
Supporting Evidence: testimony
1 And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon
2 God bless America
3 Today America is mourning
* Commemorating 9/11 Tragedy
supporting Evidence:
1 The Nation sends its love and compassion to everybody who is here
2 Call for justice
3 God bless America
D. Comforting and Evoking a feeling of patriotism.
Supporting Evidence: general knowledge
1 The attackers will hear from us
2 I hear you
3 The Nation sends its love and compassion to everybody who is here.
E. encouraging and motivating :
Supporting Evidence: general knowledge
1 I hear you
2 The perpetrators will be held accountable
3 We send love and compassion. God bless your hard work.
Describe the supporting material by referencing ...
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