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American Social Class: Difficulties In Moving From One To Another

Essay Instructions:

Developing Your SSI

In order to complete the extension and revision of your previous work, consider the following steps:

Focus on your own analytical claims. Interaction with secondary sources should allow for your Research Questions to evolve and to take shape, enabling you to revise or extend claims made in the previous assignment.

Focus on analyzing and integrating the secondary evidence into the conversation. This step can be difficult as it builds on the skills you have developed not only with the Five Analytical Moves (Chapter 4 in WC), but also with the basics of Interpretation (Chapter 6 in WC). This step requires you to demonstrate how to effectively use secondary sources (57-61).

Focus your evolving thesis around a compelling analytical claim while also accounting for all relevant evidence.

You should especially focus on:

Making your Sources Speak by “conveying to your readers why they mean what you say they meant” (67). You might ask yourself whether or not you have explained the connection between your claims and the secondary evidence completely and explicitly.

Putting your Sources into Conversation with One Another (57-58). This move requires that you understand the arguments of the secondary sources and are able to convey this understanding via paraphrase and direct citation. As the title suggests, the emphasis of this step is on you making the sources speak rather than letting the words that you paraphrase or cite speak for themselves or for you; instead, maintain your own critical voice and make clear that the secondary evidence is one part of the conversation, not the featured speaker.

Integrating Sources into your own writing by paraphrasing or “splic[ing] quotations into your text” (59).

Citing Sources in proper MLA Style (See “MLA Citation and Style Guide”). You should end the assignment with correct MLA Works Cited entries of the two secondary sources and your primary source.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Instructor Course Date American Social Class People face difficulties in moving from one social class to another. The idea is depicted in the American dream where everyone is given an equal opportunity to make his or her life better. The rich are assumed to have started from the lower level and it is their hard work that has enabled them to obtain their wealth. The concept of social mobility has been discussed by various scholars to show how people struggle to obtain their wealth. Therefore, the work focuses on the factors that define the social class of every individual. Beller, E., &Hout, M. (2006). Intergenerational social mobility: The United States in comparative perspective. The Future of Children, 19-36.  In the article ‘’International Social Mobility,’’ the authors argue that social mobility regarding people’s occupation and income level depends on their parent’s background. Further, the authors compare the social mobility in the US with that of other nations. The results of their study show that slow economic growth in the United States since 1975 is attributed to the concentration of wealth among a few individuals (Beller&Hout 19). The variation in income among families extends to their generations where most rich people came from wealthy families. Beller and Hout conclude that economic difference between various families persists over a long time because the parents give their children a better opportunity and enough resources to succeed. The argument depicts that those who are at the top tie of social mobility will remain there for a long time and their children will also enjoy their sacrifice. Therefore, the unfortunate families are suffering because their ancestors did not work hard to keep enough properties for them to use in making more wealth. The rich families own big firms where the unfortunate families work in to earn their income. However, the hard work of the low-income employees is enjoyed by the rich families who own the companies. As the owners of the large firm’s die, they pass their wealth to their kids. As a result, their families will remain wealthy because of the properties of their parents that are passed to them and they will also do so to their children. The same will continue in for their generations to come. Therefore, the article defines why the wealthy families will remain rich for a long time. Apart from owning the big firms, the wealthy families have enough resources to invest in their children’s education. On the other hand, the unfortunate families lack the financial resources to support their children’s education.The kids from underprivileged families will fail to attain their target grades in schools irrespective of their IQ.Also, kids from underprivileged families drop out of school because they do not have enough social and financial support for their education. As a result, those who have dropped out from school will start a family earlier before they have enough income to support their families. As a result, their children will follow the same path as their parents, which will...
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