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Always Be Optimizing: An Analysis

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Create an analysis for Always Be Optimizing

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Always Be Optimizing: An Analysis
The story of the modern woman is best captured in Jia Tolentino’s essay. The modern woman is a working woman, occupying even the most senior government and corporate positions. However, the modern woman also has a greater burden to bear socially. To be seen and valued, she has to look the part. She has to put a great deal of effort into her beauty. This beauty magnifies her standing within the work and social circles. Based on Tolentino’s essay, it is an unending struggle for women in society. In this essay, the author examines Tolentino’s text to contribute new ideas that may help to dissect the dilemma expressed by Tolentino.
The modern-day woman has to adapt to today’s society. We live in a fast-paced world with a lot of competition. Although women have had to transform significantly to fit into the modern work environment, it will take even more significant steps to remain relevant. In one of her illustrations, Tolentino laments that “I felt different that day, perverse and corporate in this expensive business casual uniform for people whose jobs are their bodies.” (Tolentino 86). This statement shows how Tolentino felt about having to look physically fit for her job. She despises the idea of having to dress up and maintain a shapely body to remain interesting within her job environment. While this thought is laudable, it is essential to note that for every woman setting aside looks, there is another unwilling to do the same. The highly competitive nature of today’s job market makes it such that one must make extreme sacrifices to remain relevant.
Tolentino makes an impressive argument about the independence of women. She notes that “Most women believe themselves to be independent th...
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