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Advertisement: Companies Forced To Aim At Achieving Highest Goals

Essay Instructions:

In this essay, you will analyze your advertisement creating your own argument about its purpose and significance. Ask yourself, "What does this ad want its target audience to believe about themselves and how does it generate that response? Ads work...by substituting signs for things." Look for whatever substitutions are being made---what meaning is being substituted for a particular product? Incorporate at least 1 quote and/or paraphrase from the article "Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt: Advertising and Violence" and/or "Analyzing Visual Rhetoric: Advertisements" by Jean Kilbourne.

* An outline is required for this essay.

*Thesis statement and topic sentence should be clearly stated in the essay.

*Attached the advertisement used to write the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
In the modern competitive business world, companies are forced to aim at achieving the highest goal, which is done achieved through advertisements. While there are numerous ads on different types of media, the most effective advert is the one winning thousands of viewers. Since such a product would reach the general public, the ad would help to increase sales. However, as a result of the limited memory of advert target audience, marketing agencies are forced to create images that would remain in people’s minds for a long period of time. This is based on the belief that having the add draw the attention of viewers would lead to prospective sales. Kilbourne explains that in order to win more viewers, ads emphasize on attributes of gender, sex, and violence with women images used.
In order to keep up with the spirit of advertising and achieve the set objectives, women images are used and this makes them abusive. It is confirmed that neutral ad scenes do not remain in people’s minds as do sex and violence scenes. A good example is the ad on BMW in which a woman model is used to show the car’s value. Instead of showing the vehicle in terms of its quality, speed, price, and safety compared to other similar/ equivalent vehicles, sexualizing women in ads is evidenced. With a neutral ad, it is expected that the BMW proves its durability by being fast and presentable years after its manufacture or even prove its speed by having a video in which it races with other equivalent cars.
However, looking at the print ad, the first conveyed message is that ads are used to objectify women. As quoted in the BMW ad, it is clear that, “the ultimate attraction” is having a fancy car. This is written on a print ad in which a man is having sex with a lady but instead of seeing the lady’s face, she sees the image of a BMW. In this case, it is made clear that while women are still an attraction to men, they are not the ultimate attraction. This is an indication that the BMW model has the greatest power followed by a man, and eventually a woman. This shows a very diminishing scene in that while women should be important to men, they are shown to come after the BMW car. In other words, it can be argued that a man is more fulfilled when owning a car than when with a woman.
As evidenced in the ad, the argument by Kilbourne that women are used in ads as sexual objects is proven. The ad in this case wants men who are the target audience to believe that a BMW car would make their lives more fulfilling to men. It is understood that sex to men is a pleasuring and fulfilling event. However, in ...
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