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What does the surface of pluto look like?

Essay Instructions:
paper should be divided into the following (labeled) sections. Mission objective - In this section you will state the question that you have chosen to address with your mission. Whats your mission going to try to find out ? background - In this section discuss background information that is relevant to the question. whats already known about the topic or related topic? Have there been previous mission addressing the topic or related topics? What did these mission find? Justification - In this section, provide a rational for your mission. Why is your mission important ? Why should it be funded ? Be persuasive! Mission plan - In this section you will describe your planned mission. What type of mission are you planning? What instrument will your spacecraft carry ? what date will these instrument collect ? How will the collected data help to answer the chosen question ? Source - News , magazines , books , appropriate websites.
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Mission Objective
Located in the outermost Kuiper belt, Pluto is one of the celestial bodies in this zone characterized by extremely low surface temperatures. It is highly probable that the Kuiper belt consists of many other bodies. Pluto and its moon Charon are however believed to be among the largest of the bodies in this belt, despite being a dwarf in relation to the other planets of the solar system. The characteristics of Pluto have never been confirmed with evidence and this mission is geared towards exploring the composition of the Pluto`s surface. Pluto`s atmosphere among its other attributes is changing and the mission has to be conducted with speed and precision to gather useful facts about the surface of the planet Pluto before major change occurs.
Background Information on Pluto
Pluto was once considered a planet, the ninth planet in the solar system. In 2006 its status was re-branded a dwarf planet. Percival Lowell, an American astronomer suspected Pluto`s existence in 1905. He predicted its location in 1915. His predictions alongside those of other astronomers enabled Clyde Tombaugh discover Pluto at the Lowell Observatory. Because of its far distance from the earth, little is known of Pluto`s characteristics. The diameter of the planet is estimated to be at less than one fifth that of the earth. The surface of the planet is thought to consist of a rocky core surrounded by frozen water ice with nitrogen and methane frost coating the surface. At minus 225 degrees Celsius, Pluto`s surface is among the coldest places in the solar system. For a long time, because of the distance of the planet from the earth, little was known about the planet Pluto. The Hubble Space Telescope has Telescope continues to furnish astrologers with images of the planet that appears reddish, greyish and yellowish in different places.
A space craft, the New Horizons has been dispatched by NASA to the Kuiper belt to collect as much firsthand information from the bodies in the belt as possible to enable scientists understand their composition.
Justification of mission to Pluto
For a comprehensive research on the composition and structure of the surface of planet Pluto, sufficient funding is required. Pluto`s surface and atmosphere changes a lot over time. NASA scientists and astronomers have taken the initial steps in trying to ascertain the composition of the planet`s surface and atmosphere by using the Hubble Space Telescope to take images of the planet. They have also dispatched the New Horizon Space craft that is to explore and collect more information from the planet and surrounding bodies. Considering that the characteristics of Pluto change fast and that the distance of the planet is quite far from our planet earth, to ensure that useful information is collected in time, a quick expedition is supposed to be carried out fast.
This mission is very important since, Pluto exhibits the characteristics that the planet earth is believed to have possessed millions of years ago. Studying the progress of Pluto and the changes it experiences will enable us to have an idea of what the earth looked like, the transitions it went through, and most importantly, predict the future trend and transformation the planet is likely to undergo. Mankind is very keen on understanding the environment he lives in and be able to handle the different case scenarios that may arise as a result of planetary changes. E...
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