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Learning Process and Accomplishments

Essay Instructions:
this class ENV 101 at northern Arizona university (reflective essay. You should reflect on your learning process and accomplishments with respect to the three learning objectives (ecological citizenship, critical thinking, and environmental literacy).
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Learning Process and Accomplishments
Learning is a process in the sense that it occurs in a gradual manner and not a spontaneous or sudden one. Learning begins at birth (Gomez 91) and its accomplishments begin then. It is a lifetime process that continues in one`s life until the person dies. In this paper I am writing on what I have accomplished in the learning process with regard to environmental literacy, critical thinking and ecological citizenship.
I have mentioned that I began comprehending things immediately at the time of birth though poorly by a cry first that I have been introduced to a new environment- from the womb to the outside world. With time I knew my mother`s breast, then my mother, dad, other people and many other things that one gets to know while a baby more especially those regarding the environment. This is to say that environmental literacy begins at birth. It is proper to mention here that not much was accomplished with regard to critical thing and ecological citizenship at the toddler stage. Elements of the latter learning came later on at the age of five to twelve years when it taking different forms likes playing, and storytelling. Czarniawska says that stories are a part of life because we use them daily as a means of self-expression boosting our social lives and identity to the world (qtd. in Angela 125).
Learning did not stop there. The adolescence stage- Erikson says that the formation of an identity is an adolescents major task(qtd. in Neff & McGehee 225)- came like a wave with several changes in my life that I never expected like breaking the voice, growth of my reproductive organs, and other physical changes. At this point I can say I made the largest stride in learning because it helped me in changing a poor attitude of hating myself due to these changes to that of being at home with the changing environment.
That was followed by a better understanding of myself, the environment- the people, the animals, the trees, the stones and other living and non-living environmental aspects; the major accomplishment here being ability to comprehend situations and how to take control of them. Critical thinking, developed as I moved to institutions of higher learning, helped me in self-actualization-becoming what a human being can be (Asay 354). This stage has been the most interesting because of the interaction with course mates, free exchange of ideas and freedom to do what I wished at my own pace and time with self-control.
It is proper to note here that in as much as learning is a lifetime process; this is the level where I have accomplished a lot with regard to critical thinking, ecological citizenship and environmental literacy. I have learnt problem-solving skills, communication skills, how to be environmental friendly, teamwork, and many other life skills. My interaction with people of different calibers (doctors, professors, politicians, me...
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