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Political Will as a Solution to Global Warming

Essay Instructions:

What is the solution to the global warming problem? The biggest roadblock to achieving this solution is political will. What does this statement mean? Consider what we saw the other day in the video Climate of Doubt. https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=O3T1KZXGO7Q
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Climatic change
Politics has taken the center stage in the global warming issue and it is continually polarizing the public with misinformation. Politicians are using the issues for political mileage and selfish interest. The biggest hurdle in achieving the solution or uniting everyone to fight this global warming is politics. Politicians have been ‘bought’ by the main environmental pollutants especially in the fossil fuel industries to misconstrue facts and publish inaccurate information based on unscientific processes to sway the public opinion. The main beneficiaries of these schemes to desensitize the public of the effects of climatic change do so to protect their investments and wealth which usually is largely from air polluting industries especially coal, petroleum and automotive industries. These industries invest in lobbying the politicians to water down environmentally conservative legislations that could affect the profitability of their businesses. They also pay more scientists who publish information based on shallow data or data collected from unscientific processes. These scientists also spread that anti-climatic change rhetoric upon which the politicians peg their arguments to resist the legislations which could hurt their agenda.
The best solution to address climatic change is to inform the public on the reality about this issue. Climate change should be integrated in school syllabus where children are taught on what are its causes and how it can be prevented. It will be difficult for the contrarians to dislodge this information from the public once it has been engrained from a young ae. It will also be easier for everyon...
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