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Does Academic Excellence guarantee Success? Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Each student must submit a persuasive essay (aka argument essay). The document must be 3-pages (1.5 spacing, size 12 font), plus a 1-page bibliography. Please submit a Word document or PDF.

In a nutshell, using logic and reason, demonstrate that your stance/idea is more legitimate than the contrary. Persuade me (the reader) to adopt that point of view. I strongly suggest that you make this about your debate topic, but it's not required.

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December 7, 2018
Does Academic Excellence guarantee Success?
In most cases, getting one’s dream job or position requires sufficient amount of knowledge or experience. This is the reason why parents have never failed to remind their children about the importance of getting a good education. However, while this has always been true, changes in our society prompts the questions, ‘what is considered a good education’ and ‘does academic excellence translates to success’? In this article, the difference between being academically excellent and success in one’s life would be discussed. Specifically, it would look at how having an ivy league education or Latin honors correlate to one’s future success in life.
Nonetheless, I believe that success these days depend on an individual’s ability to learn skills that are needed in this present day’s society.
As stated earlier, parents these days believe that their children’s scholastic average correlates to their success later in life. Before the turn of the century, being in an Ivy League institution almost always translates to success after they graduate from their respective universities. Most of the prominent figures that the country had then were a product of these universities that they came from. Of course, most of them have had graduated on the top of their class. 15 out of the 44 presidents in the United States have graduated from an Ivy league institution showing how prominent they are in shaping the leaders of our society (Westbrook). Another study done by Stacy Dale and Alan Krueger, one of the clear-cut advantages of attending an Ivy-league school is that it allows students to build solid ...
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