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Interview with a senior citizen

Essay Instructions:
Oral History – Senior Citizen For this topic you will conduct an interview, take notes, and write up your findings in a five to seven page paper. You will be expected to utilize and apply anthropological concepts, which you have learned in this class, to your findings. Your interview source should be a senior citizen, preferably a family relative or family friend, with whom you feel comfortable conducting an interview. The focus of your interview will be on what was life like for your interviewee when she or he was your “college age” (please note that they do not have to have actually attended college). What beliefs, activities, values, and hopes did your interviewee have at that time? In what ways does your informant feel that their values, beliefs and expectation have changed over time? Does he or she consider these changes to be a positive or a negative? Be sure to conduct your interview in an open-ended manner. Your goal here is to have your informant tell you as much about his or her young adult life experiences as possible, so don't ask simple “yes” or “no” questions. Finally, compare his or her answers to your own life. In what ways are his or her responses similar to or different from your own life? Please attach your interview notes to your final paper. Issues to keep in mind – Both of these assignments should incorporate key ideas from our class. In other words, whether you choose to interview an immigrant or interview a senior citizen, you need to discuss a minimum of three issues from our class. These issues could include topics such as immigration, gendered behaviors, sexuality, family, marriage practices, kinship, economic practices, racism, assumptions about biology vs. culture, social roles of men and women, problems of modernization and capitalism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, unfair labor practices, social pressures related to our bodies, issues of science and culture, or any other topic that we have studied this semester.
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Interview with a senior citizen
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May 1, 2013 :
Interview with a senior citizen
The senior citizen involved in this case was a relative who was a former banker. The beliefs and values are intertwined together as the belief is the internal feeling that someone has about an issue being true while value is the worth that one attaches to that something in the belief. Some of the beliefs he talks about are individualism, freedom, volunteerism, progress, mobility, patriotism among others. When looking at the aspect on freedom, the society at the time regarded being free to all and this was guaranteed in the constitution`s bill of rights. Individualism according to him expected the society to uphold the integrity as well as dignity of each and every person. Volunteerism is the notion of the capable persons in the society assisting others through their private initiated projects which was highly advocated then. Mobility assured people the ability to move from an area to another in search of better living as well as working condition hence there was emigration and immigration. The aspect of patriotism as he says it was promoted with individual expectation that each and every person is proud of the society they are living in as well the country in general. Progress was another major value that is passed on with generation hence ensuring people work hard as it was measured in terms of families found in their respective societies. All these beliefs and values ensured that the society grew and was able to adapt to the changes that were occurring day in day out. Some of the activities that were carried out included plantation farming and other business oriented activities like factories and other firms used in trade. The society had variety of sporting activities among other ways of recreation. There were theatres and stadiums that people went to recreate themselves. The members of the society had great hopes that they will be able to utilize the available resources to the maximum to enhance the societal growth. The society through various government initiated forums carried out international business which promoted the economic growth of the society. The products from the society like the ones of plantation farming was processed and sold boosting the economy. The idea was to chase the hope of a society with increased living standards. There were hopes also to achieve a democratically just society that will hold each and every person as equal member with no discrimination. The hope was derived from the presence of the upcoming human rights movement which championed for the rights of the citizens hence preventing any form of discrimination. With the changes in technology, there were hopes that the society will be able to move on with the pace that the technology is dictating. Various nations have got their own inventions which means the there is need to adopt them to enhance efficiency in the different activities involved. For instance, with technology, communication is made cheaper hence there is an interpersonal relation between different people that is greatly enhanced by the improved means of communication. All these hopes were to be fulfilled gradually not just at once according to him.
However, with different changes taking place each day he says, it is quite notable that some of the beliefs that were then and values as well are changed. Although some may say that they exist, they do verbally but not visible. People according to him have abandoned to go for other that will lead to individual satisfaction as well as gain of stature. Values such as volunteerism are not in existence right now. What used to be volunteering is now modified and done with other different motives as he explains. Sometimes back (during their time), volunteering was done with none other motive but to assist the party in question to overcome a certain situation. Nowadays, it is done and the individual goes ahead to request for government and other members of public funding as well. Such a situation that the person is not ready to help but is doing so as in the process, one will be able to at least have some material gain. When it comes to freedom, people have not only misused the freedom but exploited it. Take freedom of speech and expression for instance, many people have assumed the freedom only to use in inappropriate forums. They are attacking other individuals with malicious claims through social networks and the likes. One claims to have the freedom but what such a person is doing is nothing else other than harassing the other person. Such instances mean that in the bid to express one`s freedom, one is also violating the right of the other person. The extent of expressing oneself is just but too much. Individualism has also been affected so much as upholding the integrity of the person means that the individual decision of such a person is kept sacred to some extent. Nowadays, there are so many private detectives who are interfering with the aspect of individualism. Such personnels are exposing one`s privacy to the whole lot of people hence the person is left with nothing to hide as the person`s secrets are exposed. The aim of the one exposing is nothing but to become favors from such a person. If one gets know that some secrets are going to be ex...
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