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Restaurant analysis: In- N- Out Burger

Essay Instructions:

Chemistry in Context Fast Food Restaurant Review ASSIGNMENT: 1. Visit a fast food restaurant website to learn more about the nutritional facts of some of your favorite foods. California law requires restaurants to post the caloric content of all their menu items in an effort to help consumers to make more informed decisions about their diet. You should find the complete menu listed with each item’s nutritional value and caloric content online. Choose two unhealthy menu items and then two more healthful choices. For example, I like to eat at In-N-Out and selected a Double-Double and Chocolate Shake as the “bad” choice, and then selected Protein Style burger and Iced Tea as a healthier option. Select any food items on the menu, they don’t necessarily have to be something you would eat together, but try to compare a sandwich with a sandwich or side item with another side item. 2. Calculate the caloric content of each of the four food items. One food item at a time, find the number of grams of fats, carbohydrates and proteins from the website. You can use the attached table to help organize the information. Then calculate the Calories attributed to each food type (fats, carbohydrates and protein) and sum these to find the total Calories. Use the following caloric content for each food type to calculate calories from fats, carbohydrates and proteins: Food Type Caloric Content Fats and oils 9 Cal/g Carbohydrates 4 Cal/g Proteins 4 Cal/g For example, an In-N-Out chocolate shake contains 10 grams protein, 72 grams carbohydrates and 29 grams fat. You can estimate the Calories attributed to each individual food type by multiplying the mass (in grams) with the Caloric content. Sum these three to find the total Calorie for the milkshake, a whopping 589 Calories! (10 g proteins) x (4 Cal/g) = 40 Cal (72 g carbohydrates) x (4 Cal/g) = 288 Cal (29 g fats) x (9 Cal/g) = 261 Cal Total Calories = 589 Cal 3. Calculate the Calorie percentages of each of the four food items. Nutrition experts recommend that your daily food intake should be 45 – 65% carbohydrates, 10 – 30% protein and 20 – 35% fats for a well-balanced diet. Calculate the caloric percentages (% Cal) for proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the menu items you selected to compare with these recommended percentages. Again, you can use the attached table to help organize this information. You need to use the total number of Calories and the number of Calories of each food type from the previous step to calculate the resulting Calorie percentages for proteins, carbohydrates and fats. For example, an In-N-Out chocolate shake has a total caloric content of 589 Calories, and therefore it has the following caloric percentages (% Cal): % Calories from Proteins = (40 Cal/589 Cal) x 100 = 6.8% % Calories from Carbohydrates = (288 Cal/589 Cal) x 100 = 48.9% % Calories from Fats = (261 Cal/589 Cal) x 100 = 44.3% (high in fat!) 4. Write a review of your favorite fast food restaurant and submit your review to Turnitin by Friday, May 9th. Write a restaurant review based on your food analysis. Your review should be about a paragraph. Give relevant examples from your analysis supporting your review comments. The review should include the following information: A summary of your nutrition analysis. Include the names of the four menu items you selected and the total caloric content for each item. (Columns 1 and 2 in your data table) Do you recommend this restaurant based on this nutritional analysis? Why or why not? Can you suggest a healthful meal (500 Calories or less) at this fast food restaurant? Explain your choice. Include the completed Nutrition Analysis Table with your restaurant review. Nutrition Analysis Table 1 Food Item 2 Total Calories 3 Protein (g) 4 Carbs (g) 5 Fats (g) 6 Protein (Cal) 7 Carbs (Cal) 8 Fats (Cal) 9 Proteins % Cal 10 Carbs % Cal 11 Fats % Cal Calculations: This worksheet will help you organize the data for your calculations. For each menu item, copy the grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats reported by the restaurant website into the table above (columns 3 – 5). You need to repeat the example calculations on the previous page but with the weights from your food items. Use the equations listed below to help make these calculations. Substitute the data from the table to solve for the total Calories (column 2) and percentages (columns 9 – 11). You need to repeat these calculations for each food item. Food item: _____________________________________ 1.1 ____________ g (protein) x 4 Cal/g = __________________ Cal 1.2 ____________ g (carbohydrates) x 4 Cal/g = __________________ Cal 1.3 ____________ g (fats) x 9 Cal/g = __________________ Cal 1.4 Total Calories = 1.1 + 1.2 + 1.3 = __________________ Cal % Calories from proteins = [(1.1) ¸ (1.4)] ´ 100 = _______________ % % Calories from carbohydrates = [(1.2) ¸ (1.4)] ´ 100 = _______________ % % Calories from fats = [(1.3) ¸ (1.4)] ´ 100 = _______________ %

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Restaurant analysis: In- N- Out Burger
There is a nutritional analysis of the hamburger with mustard and ketchup, milk, cheeseburger with onion and vanilla shake, and evaluates whether they meet the dietary requirements of consumers, with all the food items being on the menu at In- N- Out Burger. This is then followed by recommendation based n the analysis.
2) Hamburger with mustard
Fats and oils (9 Cal/g * 10) =90
Carbohydrates 4 Cal/ g*41=164
Proteins 4 Cal/ g*16=64
Total calories= 318
Fats and oils (9Cal/ g*6g) =54 Cal
Carbohydrates (4 Cal/ g*18g) =72
Proteins (4Cal/ g*12g) =48
Total calories= 174
Cheeseburger w/ onion
Fats and oils (9 Cal/ g*27g) =243 Cal
Carbohydrates (4 Cal/ g*39g) =156 Cal
Proteins (4 Cal/ g*22g) =88 Cal
Total calories=487
Vanilla Shake
Fats and oils (9 Cal/ g*31g) =279 Cal
Carbohydrates (4 Cal/ g*67g) =268 Cal
Proteins (4 Cal/ g*10g) =40 Cal
Total calories=587
Hamburger with mustard
% Calories from fats and oils = (90 Cal/318Cal) x 100 = 28.32 % Calories from Carbohydrates = (164 Cal/318 Cal) x 100 = 51.57% % Calories from Proteins= (64 Cal/318 Cal) x 100=20.12% Ok
% Calories from fats and oils = (54 Cal/174 Cal) x 100 = 31.03% % Calories from Carbohydrates = (72 Cal/174 Cal) x 100 = 41.38% % Calories from Proteins= (48 Cal/174Cal) x 100=27.59% Ok
Cheeseburger w/ onion
% Calories from fats and oils = (279 Cal/487 Cal) x 100 = 49.90% High in fats % Calories from Carbohydrates = (156 Cal/487 Cal) x 100 = 32.03% % Calories from Proteins= (8...
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