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Frankenstein or Darwin

Essay Instructions:

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HUM 3306: History of Ideas--The Age of Enlightenment to the Age of Anxiety


This is a Gordon Rule Writing course, and so the writing-aspect, regardless of what is being written upon, is taken quite seriously.

You must read and re-read (or at least re-read key passages of) the book you are writing on, seeing how different passages/scenes/ideas relate. You must write a draft and let it sit for a day or two, and then go back adding more pertinent, more nuanced reflections. You must approach essay writing not as if you are just letting the professor know that you've read the assignments and lecture notes and more or less understand them, but as if you are sculpting a work of art. (Yes: I know ... you are perhaps taking lots of classes; it's difficult to linger on writing and revising. Still, I ask you to do this to the best of your ability within the semester calendar limitations.) 

If you had problems in the first essay in respect to the writing, you should try to make an extra effort to improve in Essay#2. The two essays are weighted equally in terms of your overall course grade (25% each), but improvement can impact the final assessment of your course grade, when that grade is hovering in the border b/w two grades.

● All the general instructions for ESSAY#1 apply, except that this essay should be about 1500 words long or longer (again quality, not quantity), and it incorporates research/secondary materials as requested in the options below. The topic options are listed below.

● Use whatever citation method that you have been taught in your Composition classes here at FIU or elsewhere or which you typically use in your own discipline/major. If you do not include a proper Bibliography page, your essay will not be read or it will be lowered a grade or more.

● Read the last two sentences again.

● Do not consult more secondary sources than provided in the options below or in the prefatory/supplemental scholarly materials in the editions ordered for the course (an introduction in a different edition is o.k.). If I find that additional secondary materials, other than below or in a book's editorial introduction, have been used, the essay will likely receive an immediately "F". If you are found guilty of plagiarism, you will receive an "F" in the course. Please take note: I have a pretty clear sense of your writing style from your first essay and discussion forum entries, so it is very easy to detect plagiarism. And, also, the "Turnitin" site filters for plagiarism.

● Read the last paragraph again. It's a sad state of educational affairs when I have to write the previous warning ... I do not want to distrust students, but every semester ... well, let's put it this way: I have a separate drawer in my office desk dedicated to student misconduct cases or potential-to-be-discovered-misconduct cases.

● For secondary, research materials: each option below comes with links to online professional/scholarly journals or articles or to the ProjectMuse journal database accessed through the FIU library system. Students sometimes have difficulty figuring out how to get to the links. Follow the directions closely, and you'll figure it out.

● Incorporate the supplied (linked) secondary materials by paraphrasing their arguments or part of their arguments, or by quoting a section of their arguments/key points. Do this in the main body of your essay (not the introduction or conclusion). Your goal is not to show that you've read the secondary materials per se, but that, having read the materials, your own argument/points have become more sophisticated and developed, because you have consulted authoritative wisdom about the topic you are working on. It is, of course, possible to dispute such �authoritative wisdom.�

● Definitely note that I have not quantified how many times you should quote or paraphrase or refer to a secondary source's argument. I'm asking you to develop your own analytical ideas and then judiciously incorporate outside ideas/sources. That said, no more than 20% of your paper should be quoted material, whether from the main texts or secondary sources.

● You have to know what your argument is and you have to know the arguments/main points of the secondary material. Only then can you integrate secondary research. Half-hearted tossing in of information from a secondary source--as if it's some strange vegetable you don't have a taste for--is not appropriate. Research typically requires reading a lot of material that ends up not being useful: that's part of the discipline of doing research, ferreting out the useful from the non-useful. Do it (from the provided links)! 

● If you do not incorporate the secondary materials supplied (in a qualitative, not quantitative sense), your essay will automatically be dropped at least a letter grade. Get it? Pay attention to these instructions!

● You have to take responsibility and learn how to get access to the FIU library resources from home or from on campus on your own. Or ask assistance from the library staff.


Focus on the theme or issue of the family or intimate relations in the novel, and make the scene(s) when the monster hangs out in the woodshed spying on the impoverished family central to or important for an interpretation of the novel. It may be that you start right off in your introduction establishing why the monster's interaction with the cottage family is crucial to our understanding of the novel's overall meaning; it may be that you look almost exclusively at just the cottage scenes in terms of how the monster's sensibility expands or grows; or it may be that you establish a sequence/trajectory of broader or more encompassing ideas in which you use the cottage episode or refer to it specifically only � or 2/3rd of the way through your paper. It is possible, as you develop your ideas, that the family theme becomes subordinate to another theme (e.g., Victor�s ambition). That�s fine. 

For a more elaborate example of the last point: say you think the novel is mainly about Victor's inability to maintain connection with his family (because of his ambition or ego). Certainly the scenes in which the monster wants to be part of the cottage family would be key or linked to that main idea--but you might not review the pertinent scenes as evidence until midway in your paper; you would, presumably, start by showing how Victor is alienated, by his ambition, from his own family. Your paper might be about alienation from family structure or dynamics, with a key piece of evidence/interpretation being the cottage scene.

Literary analysis requires a shaping idea or theme or thesis, spelled out or implied in your opening paragraph or opening paragraphs (an introduction can be longer than one paragraph!). But unlike some other forms of analysis, the KEY scene that the analysis hooks around, if there is one key scene, might not be trotted out in your analysis until midway through. Interpretation of literature--that is, somebody reading YOUR interpretation--can become fun because it is a process of discovery, an inductive argument that builds complexity upon complexity, rather than a deductive argument by which you state the main point, and then follow up with subpoints and evidence. (See a review of inductive and deductive analysis in the instructions for the first essay: the first �builds up� an argument, the second �breaks it down�.)

Here is a sample organizational roadmap for a hypothetical essay on Frankenstein, using the topic above:


--1st 5th: author's anxieties about family/mothering/nurturing

--2nd 5th: translates into a narrative about education and family structures needed for education/development of a sensibility

--3rd 5th: Victor's alienation from his family; seeking of knowledge at the cost of sacrificing relationships

--4th 5th: what other critics have said on these issues + monster's take on education (cottage scene)

--5th 5th: the consequences of a bad or interrupted education for the monster

Please do not overly rely (i.e. you can rely somewhat) on above to structure your paper if you elect this option. I'm offering it so that you see the pattern of how analysis can proceed in stages.

Secondary material links:

Go to the main online page for FIU Libraries, click on the link to connect from home (if you are working from home), click on "Find Articles and Do Research" link, find the "A-Z" list of electronic journals/resources, find the electronic journal database "Project Muse," do a search using the terms (without quote marks) "Frankenstein family" or "Frankenstein parents," and choose what seem to be the most pertinent two articles, for your purposes, from the among the first 10 or so listed.


Darwin--a moderately devout man himself, although increasingly doubtful as he grew older--well knew that Origin of Species would be attacked upon various grounds, especially for its supposed impiety. In what ways do you see Darwin anticipating a less than receptive audience, an audience that will feel its traditional beliefs are being challenged? You might consider not only the sequence of chapters (why does he begin with domestic or artificial selection?), but also specific passages (e.g., the famous "Tree of Life" passage on page 74 or the concluding passage on pages 120-121). How do you account for Darwin's fairly frequent recourse to adjectives such as "wonderful" or "beautiful" when speaking of adaptations? Do not simply answer these questions one after another; I�m offering them as brainstorming tools to help you get ideas, not as paint-by-numbers questions that you �fill in� in your actual paper. You need to devise your own thesis about Darwin�s book (not just Darwin himself or evolutionary theory), and select suitable quotes. Ideally, your paper should show that you understand 1) the relationship of Darwin's theory to the intellectual currents of the historical period in which he was writing (read the lecture notes!), 2) Darwin's basic argument in his book, and 3) the strategic or rhetorical ways in which he conveys his argument in his book. Again, do not just mechanically �answer� the previous 1,2,3: the basic goal is to show you understand how Darwin�s specific book�the content of the treatise and the way he presents that content--relates to and responds to its intellectual/cultural context.

Again, ponder stages of analysis, including historical context. Your paper might not even begin talking about Darwin or his book per se (except for your intro., until page three or so).

Secondary material links:

Link #1. Go to the main online page for FIU Libraries, click on the link to connect from home (if you are working from home), click on "Find Articles and Do Research" link, find the "A-Z" list of electronic journals/resources, find the electronic journal "Project Muse," and do a search to find this essay: Cosans, Chris

Was Darwin a Creationist?

Link #2. Also use "Project Muse" to find this essay: Campbell, John Angus

Why Was Darwin Believed? Darwin's Origin and the Problem of Intellectual Revolution

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Introducing a novel idea that directly challenges an existing one is almost a futile expedition especially if the old idea is universally accepted. Religious beliefs and cultural bindings are, even today, the most difficult ideas to challenge given that they are deeply embedded in the minds and practices of the people who have adopted them (Cosans 362). There are some people who have however managed to go against such a tide and influence the thoughts of many about what had been taken as the pure truth for many centuries. Charles Darwin, after a number of studies of the past writings and the natural environment, introduced the theory of evolution by natural selection. This theory holds that members of a given species are in competition with each other to obtain resources and that individuals with better adaptations to their lifestyles stand higher chances of surviving (Campbell 203). This theory implies that there is constant change and that man is moving from simple being to a more complex being. In totality, Darwin was in disagreement with the religious and traditional teachings that suggested that it is God who gives life, and he created man in his perfect condition. Accordingly, this paper analyzes Darwinism and highlights the manner in which it was received across various fields.
The Overview of Darwinism
Darwin offered various explanations to justify his stance. He indicated that humans were monkeys in clothes and that they just appeared to be superior beings because of evolution. According to Darwin, man is applying his intellect to try escaping the forces of nature that shape everything to its perfection (Campbell 206). These claims gained acceptance in various fields thereby changing the perception that man had about himself. The fact that man was not so much different from other animals as ad been put by religion turned brought out a different perspective on the position of man in nature. Darwinism sparked an array of feuds between science and religion, two fields that had previously mutually coexisted to such an extent that both sides had open attacks against each other (Cosans 364). Until today, the feuds continue, and neither of the sides seems to be relenting. Prior to making his claims known to the religious field, Darwin anticipated a less than the receptive audience, an audience that would feel its traditional beliefs are being challenged.
The theory of evolution by natural selection, postulated by Charles Darwin, has elicited a number of actions from various quotas throughout history. Prior to arriving at this theory, Darwin read widely about other people’s writings. His perceptions regarding the origins of life, however, were greatly enriched by Charles Lyell, who wrote about The Principles of Geology (1830-1833) and John Milton’s The Poetical Works on his journey to the Beagle (Campbell 207). Darwin’s conclusion the physical world was subject to continuous changes that resulted from the actions of natural forces, with man being the product of such forces. Even if a good number of ground work had been done long before, by such scientists as Erasmus, who was Darwin’s grandfather and Robert Chambers, the man who authored Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (1844), Darwin’s, The Origin of the Species (1859, is known to have had the most substantial influence ever on the views of the modern man (Campbell 207).
All the evolutionary theories that existed before 1859 were teleological, implying they pointed out to some chain development towards perfection. Humans are indicated to have assumed a superior position in the "Great Chain of Being." Besides, being that the book of Genesis describes humans to made up of body, soul, and mind, they have no relation in no way to other beings (Cosans 365). Darwin was viciously opposed to this orthodox view and saw no ultimate intention of evolution. His “survival of the fittest” doctrine considers the world as a relentless fight for survival. The world is sinister so that everybody is in constant “brawl” against everybody; nonetheless, “survival of the fittest” has no literal meaning of fighting better, or controlling others due to one’s superior intelligence, or having more wealth. It instead solely refers to the reproductive fitness so that that group that reproduces more effectively is the most fit (Cosans 365).
Having made observations on the incessant struggle for subsistence in the natural world, Darwin demonstrated that the life’s determining factors are necessity and chance in the “survival of the fittest.” This theory of evolution by Darwin in essence challenged the value of morality and traditional religion, which had been universally accepted in the preceding centuries as mankind’s guiding principle, because it was of the view that man merely a “talking monkey” so that God had not to be present so as to have such a creation. ...
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