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Ethics in the Professions

Essay Instructions:
Ethics in the Professions We live in a world structured by laws and regulations crafted to protect basic human values and rights, and every day we are confronted with choices to abide by or break these laws and regulations. Does it matter if you cheat on a test, run a stop-sign, participate in underage drinking, publish misinformation, or create pharmaceuticals from human tissues without the patient's consent? In this paper, you will describe three ethical debates in your chosen profession, and explain which is most important to you and why. Requirements: one-two pages, double spaced, 12 point font, one-inch margins around the page. No cover sheet. MLA citational form (for any quoted, summarized or paraphrased material; this includes e-mails, interviews, material from books, magazine, newspapers and the internet). NOTE: PLEASE I need introduction and conclusion also I WANT VERY EASY WORDS AND MAKE SOME GRAMMAR MISTAKES. Do not use difficult word.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Ethical Issues Introduction A society that does not have any ethics is doomed and will fail. Ethics are part of the pillars that hold humanity in place, considering that different people have different personalities. While there are rules and laws that are formulated to maintain order, it is upon the people in any given society to have the maturity to obey them. More than love, it is the ethics of the people in the society that maintains the coherence amongst them. Ethics Cheating in the exams may seem like the best option when faced with the subject or specific topics that one does understand. For some reason no one wants to be seen as a slow learner which is what failing in a test may be deemed to be by classmates, teachers and even family members. To avoid the shame one feels that it is more than necessary that they pass the exams through all the means necessary which includes cheating. But the question this begs is, what if one is caught? Majority of the time nobody seems to think through the manner in which cheating erodes confidence. While the effects of cheating may not come at the moment, this will definitely show in the future when the level of intelligence is tested in interviews and actual job scenarios that require that knowledge. In the immediate, moment getting caught will even make one look much poorer at their studies than actually failing or admitting that they do not understand certain concepts (Paton, 2010). Underage drinking is one of the most enticing pass time activities for teenagers. At the height of hormonal generation, high school students tend to be easily influenced into activities that are as productive as they seem to them. Most of time, due to the peer pressure and exposure to adverts on the television and other forms of media that show drinking as one of the hype that respectable engage in, teenagers are drawn to alcohol abuse. As such, it all starts as an innocent f...
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