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Link between Ethical Responsibility and Policy Outcomes

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This is a course called Management & Public Policy. ESSAY TOPIC: Critique & Analyze the link between ethical responsibility and policy outcomes. It can be 2-3 sources of reference as it is not a research paper.
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Link between Ethical Responsibility and Policy Outcomes
Ethical responsibility is expected in each and every individual, in the sense that people should follow paths that are morally correct. Ethical responsibility in a personal life gears at sound relationships with the close friends and family members (Sacks 12). It has been noted that in a business setup, correct morals are critical in developing a competitive edge over the rivals. Policy outcomes on the other hand identifies with effects of the rules and regulations directed at a particular environment.
It has been noted that ethical responsibility is directly related policy outcomes, in the sense that ethical responsibility is about the right output as desired by the parties. Ethical responsibilities are critical in a business setup; in the sense that ethical responsibilities are directed at customers, employees and to the whole society. Taking a critical look at a shop situated in a shopping center, the operator of the shop has a responsibility of being honest with the workmates (Sacks 9). The employees in return feel respected and values, a model that increases productivity and profitability of the shop. The owner of shop has a responsibility of respecting the customer base. The customers have high expectations that they will get returns on their cash. Ethical responsibility enhances a mutual relationship among the shop owner, employees and the community being served.
Surveys has shown that being ethical is easy, if things are moving in the desired direction, this is considering that if a business setup is running as scheduled; then the employees are motivated, customers are reliable and that the income level is sustainable. Business people with unethical thoughts may practice corrupt deals in maximizing their profits (Sacks 76). Hard business times are characterized with unethical business practices which is against the policy outcomes. Hard times may prompt an individual to use the resources of an organization in covering up personal needs, which an unethical behavior and at the same time against the policies of the organization.
An organization that is ethically responsible maintains high moral standards that are clear all through. It has been noted that a code of conduct in organizations is part of policies that enforces fair treatment of all the individuals working for the organizations and being served by the organizations. Transparent organizations ensure that the suppliers, customers, surrounding community and the employees are satisfied with the services and the products being offered (Sacks 103).
Ethical responsibility has negative effects as noted with failing to adhere to policy outcomes. Surveys have shown that ethical missteps results to lost trust. Large corporations have collapsed, taking an example of Enron Company in the United States, as a result of inadequate corporate social responsibility. Some of the unethical practices that made Enron fall identifies with hiding fraud, shady practices in accounting and massive theft from the investors and employees among others. Enron found itself losing consumer confidence, criminal charges, bad publicity and employee outrage among other vices.
Ethical dilemmas are a common scenario to be solved by human beings, it has been noted that the policy outcomes are critical in such instances in setting up the required standards of adoring ethical principles. A theory developed by Aristotle on ethics argued that ethical responsibility is guided by foundational principles which are governed by the policies (“Four Types of Policy Evaluation” par. 2). The foundational principles are critical in the decision making processes. The actions of human beings are non-voluntary and voluntary in nature, which are facilitated by blame and praise. It has been noted that involuntary acts may be a result of being forced, while voluntary acts are done in full light of deliberate choice and complete understanding of the situation. Negligence in such a case is part of recklessness and ignorance of the safety standards in ignoring caution practices which are part of the policies (“Four Types of Policy Evaluation” par. 4). Ignorance is directly proportional to negligence and poor observance of policies. Incompetence identifies with failing to form, make or use sound decisions basing on unconsciousness, immaturity and mental impairment.
Meta-ethics is a concept developed by c...
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