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Characteristics Of Life Classification Of Living Organisms

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Biology in Life.
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Biology in Life.
Introduction to Biology
Biology is defined as the study of living things that incorporates the cells structure and basis of living organisms, metabolism energy that determines life activities and the genetics basis for inheritance in the living organism (Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, 2012). In addition, the study of biology includes the study organism evolutions as well as the biodiversity if the planet earth. In other words, biology covers a detailed study of microorganisms, animals and plants in their interrelationship in the day-to-day activities (Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, 2012). Therefore, biology paints a picture of all sciences including chemistry and physics for the principles and foundations of the living organism (Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, 2012).
Organization of life
Organization of life is arranged in a hierarchical manner comprising of organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organs system organisms, ecosystem and finally biosphere. The organelles are formed from an aggregate of macromolecules of atoms and nucleus and represents the fundamental unit of life (Alon, 2014). Cells refers to the fundamental and basic unit living organism that performs specific life. The tissues are made of cells that shares similar structures and functions. Organs are a set of tissues integrated together to perform a specific task. Organism system refers to combination of two or more set of tissues integrated to perform a specific action for the organism (Alon, 2014). Organisms refers to the whole living things set to perform basic life activities. An ecosystem refers to an environmental set up which works as a habitat for all living organism. Lastly, the biosphere encompasses all the ecosystem found on earth (Wilson, 2011).
Classification of Living Things
In biology, organism are classified scientifically through a process known as Taxonomy. The methodology of naming is subdivided basing of organism physical characteristics and behaviour basing on genetics and in an in hierarchical order (Wilson, 2011). The taxa includes eight subdivision namely, domain, Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.
Fields of Biology
Biology is comprised of 9 file of study which include
1 Botany; Refers to the study of plants
2 Zoology: entails the study of animals.
3 Anatomy: Refers to the study of body parts of living organism.
4 Physiology: Refers to the scientific study of how the body works
5 Cytology: is the study of cells
6 Histology; refers to the study of tissues
7 Ecology: is defined as the study of interrelationship among their habitat
8 Genetics: This is the study of genes, variations and hereditary
9 Evolution: Refers to the study of changes in species
Characteristics of Living Things
1 They reproduce
2 The move from one point to another
3 They respond to stimuli
4 The excrete
5 They die
6 They experience growth and development
7 They obtain and use energy
8 They practice nutrition
9 They experience respiration
Characteristic of Life
Movement. Living things have a the ability of moving from one location to another in a bid to obtain sources of energy
Reproduction; It is defined as the biological process by which matured or adult living things give birth or develop their offspri...
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