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Archeoastronomy in Ancient India

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Archaeoastronomy

Course: Astronomy

The astronomy portion of ``The History of Non-Western Science’’, discussed in class as a good reference for this paper, lives here.

Choose a historical culture and research the ways that they conducted astronomy, then write a paper describing their astronomical culture and how it fits into the context of the broader circumstances of their lives, in particular into their larger intellectual tradition.

You should choose a civilization other than the ancient Greeks (since we’ve studied them) or European peoples whose astronomical knowledge is broadly part of the same intellectual tradition (i.e. 13th century Italy or France is out, but the ancient Celts or Vikings are okay.)

However, you are encouraged to use the familiar Western tradition as a point of comparison.

Your paper should be more than just a listing of facts that you discovered; we are looking for you to relate things you’ve learned and draw interesting conclusions or make interesting speculations about them. It is okay to speculate in this paper, so long as you explain why your proposals have some merit.

You might address points like:

Did they favor particular ways of understanding their world in general? Are these reflected in the way they understood the heavens?

What form do their descriptions of astronomical events and phenomena take?

In what ways was astronomy a practically-useful discipline, and in what ways was it a purely intellectual or creative endeavor?

What technology (both material and intellectual) was available, and how did that influence both their understanding of the night sky and the ways they described it?

Were they primarily an oral culture, or did they make extensive use of written records in communicating information to the next generation?

What was their understanding of mathematics (geometry, numbers, algebra)?

Did the people use instruments beyond the unaided eye to understand the sky?

How did their astronomy influence and how was it influenced by their literary or religious tradition? For instance, the Greeks named the planets after their gods, and used the story of Persephone and Hades to explain the seasons; there is cross-pollination between their mythology and their constellations. Did your chosen people name constellations or tell stories based on what they saw in the sky?

At what latitude and in what geography did they live? Is this relevant for their understanding of the sky? (People living far from the Equator experience the sky in very different ways than those close to it!)

What challenges were prominent in their lives (warfare, navigation, harsh climate, etc.)? Do any of these influence the way they conducted astronomy?

Did they observe anything particularly unusual, or discover anything that was particularly advanced for the time period?

Note: This is not a “laundry list” of points that you must address; instead, it is a list of ideas; there are certainly many more. The best papers are ones that relate multiple facets of your people’s lifestyle, culture, technology, and astronomical tradition to make a coherent narrative.

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Archeoastronomy in Ancient India
Astronomy played an important role in the commemoration of religious ceremonies, timekeeping, and the management of agricultural activities such as the times of planting and harvesting. As the sun moved across the sky, it determined different seasons, and the lunar cycle, made of 29 days, offered an appropriate division of a 12-month calendar that was based on the monath, or the moon, as it was known in the old English vocabulary (National Institute of Standards and Technology). The study of the beliefs of ancient cultures about the sky and how such beliefs influenced their ways of living is referred to as archeoastronomy. While the stars and constellations rose and set, the ancient civilization also provided some connections to annual markers just line the lunar and solar equinoxes. The ancient temples could mark their places in the sky using this criterion. The ancient people perceived the planets wandering irregularly around the sky in retrograde motion as deities or gods (Crane). Therefore, the prediction of their movements was instrumental in predicting the divine nature of gods, which is popularly known today as pseudoscientific astrology. These practices ancient astronomy were common among the Western and non-Western cultures, but differed in diverse ways. For the purpose of this paper, an exploration into the ancient India practice of astronomy will be explored to provide a picture on how it differed from the ancient Western method of astronomical exploration also known as archeoastronomy.
Archeoastronomy refers to an ancient cultural belief regarding the sky and how such beliefs affected people’s lives at the time (Ruggles 1). The study of archeoastronomy bears the belief system of the ancient times developed an understanding of the universe, also known as cosmology, explaining the human existence as an entity woven into the natural mechanistic functioning of the universe. Such a relationship between man and the entire universe was mainly expressed through metaphors and symbols that were captured in the mirroring idea of the powers and events seen in the sky. The earth was simply seen as a microcosm of the whole sky. The ancient societies held the celestial bodies in utmost reverence and were on an intimate relationship with such bodies. The early humans perceived the sky as being inhabited largely by deities, Sky beings, and departed souls, or simply supernatural forces that controlled the universe (Code). Such Sky people were usually regarded as controllers of chaotic human activities and the sky powers could be solicited to serve the interests of human objectives.
In ancient India, astronomical studies was known as jyotihsastra or simply the study of heavenly bodi...
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