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Conceptual Issues in Public Policy

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This essay is for a class entitled: Management and Public Policy. Essay Topic: Analyze the Conceptual Issues that arise in Public Policy (preferably as it applies to Social Welfare Policy). Professor requires 2-3 sources. Keep it simple. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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Conceptual Issues in Public Policy
Irrespective of the existing conditions of social change, the need for sociological consciousness is an encouragement of the social arrangements and contribution through knowledge to address the issues in public policy. However, there are issues that influence the way social welfare policy is formulated. The work of analysis of the social welfare analysis is very important to addressing the problems in society such as poverty, inequality, oppression, social exclusion (Burch, p. 4).
Coming up with a good policy relies on addressing issues such as knowing whether a given situation constitutes to a social problem, how critical the problem is, the kind of strategy that should be adopted to solve the problem, the people who are to benefit out of the policy success, how the given social welfare policy will provide the benefits or services, the persons who are supposed to participate in the policy decisions and how success of the policy is to be determined (Chambers, p. 34).
Based on the plurality of our society and the demands on addressing the social welfare problems, the questions of successfully guiding a policy formulation are critical. Public policy analysis can be defined from many perspectives. One of this is the applied research that poises that seeks to identify feasible alternatives and good choices to the problems in society (Chambers, p. 37).
Thus this is a process that involves problem formulation through a critical review and analysis of the situation at hand. It is important to note that public policy formulation in particular the social welfare policy is one that will affect the lives of the people in society and hence problems such as poverty, oppression, inequality need to be solved in the best way. However, since public policy involves the thoughts of different people in a sitting; this process involves a number of conceptual issues.
Some of the issues such as different values about a given problem exists, the assumptions on what constitutes the problem, lack of required information also is another issue and lack of systematic strategies for analysis.
People have varied values in society. This in most cases is the one that give rise to the social problems that we often go through. Studies show that social problems are not often welcome in any society (Burch, p. 5). This implies that even to some extent the public policy do not often come up with the best solution to this problem because people have different values on society that is often the main cause of poverty. Thus values that are responsible for the cause of a given problem like poverty in one society might not be the values that cause the same social problem in another society and hence this becomes a problem to the public policy concerning policy formulation in regard to this issue.
In fact there is no single practice that has been found by the public policy formulators on the causes of poverty but then the problem that they have is that of values and hence how to address this problem on different values becomes a problem on them. Some causes of poverty might be due to the physical disability, industrialization, immobility and weak social institutions might be the other causes of poverty but then how to address these problems is a cause of concern to the public policy (Chambers, p. 36).
The public policy formulation does not often come up with the best solution because of the slowness of the change process in society, lack of trust to the authorities, a ...
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