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My Education and Theories of Mass Education

Essay Instructions:
I would like you to think about the education you've received and how this has contributed to the type of individual you have become. Think about the vast array of theories on both the execution of America's model of mass education and the intentions, both unconscious and blatant. What, if anything, do these ideas, from Mann to Kozol, have to do with your own education? Did you, for example, go to a school that taught you skills “appropriate” for your social-economic class, as in Anyon's essay? Do you feel that school, mandatory mass-schooling has actually kept you from realizing your full potential, as Gatto argues? Do you think, as Mann does, that education is the “great equalizer”? Does your experience defy or combine some of these theories? What other outside school experiences contributed to the construction of YOU? Do these external influences work in any way with the learning you did in school? While you do not have to answer all of these questions, I do need you to consider them all as you work toward a thesis. Remember, though this is a narrative essay, I expect you to make ample reference to the texts we have covered in class. If your education was had overseas, I want you to compare and contrast what you received and what some of the essayists contend American students receive. Once more, I need this essay to be double spaced, 5-7 pages in length, typed in 12 point Times New Roman font.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
My Education and Theories of Mass Education
An outbreak of visionary and fervent books by outspoken critics such as Jonathan Kozol, A.S. Neill, Herbert Kohl, John Holt, and others, gave inspiration to a large number of people to reflect in a different way with reference to the features and purpose of education (Miller 14). Unfortunately, with the increasing growth of “free schools” and home-schools, public education was now regarded as a risk to democracy. This is contrary to earlier opinions where it was seen as the pillar of Americans’ democracy. The purpose of this article is to look at the nature of education I have received and how this education has contributed to the kind of person that I have turned out to be. In addition, it will also assess the huge assortment of theories that exist on both the implementation of America’s model of mass education, as well as its blatant and unconscious intentions.
As noted by Miller, there exists as much possible education-related agendas as there are religious, philosophical, geographic, ethnic, and economic factions in this intricate and extensive country (14). The primary problem that mass public education systems have faced is related to how these agendas could all be reconciled. As noted by Miller, and experienced during the period I have been receiving education, public schools have three main functions (14). These include promotion of democracy, supporting a competitive economic system, in addition to inculcating civic virtues, as well as moral values.
One scholar, Thomas Jefferson, noted it was vital for a country, which is governed by its people instead of an aristocracy, or a monarch, to train its citizenry with the intention of governing wisely (qtd. in Miller 14). Although he visualized a system of schools that would be publicly funded and equally available to citizens, this dream has not come to pass. It is sad to note that not only has there been unequal availability of schools to all citizens, but also not all citizens who have gone through the system have been able to critically and reasonably think about concerns and issues facing the society, with the intention of participating in its businesses.
Jefferson’s theory of democracy has been a major contributor to the person I have become. Although this theory was never fully carried out, it inspired a number of school reformers such as John Dewey and Horace Mann (Miller 15). According to Savage Inequalities, written by Kozol, we are still a long way from realizing the Jeffersonian model (28). Through this model, I have been informed about exercising my right of citizenship; so have my classmates. As a result, this model has not discriminated students with regard to their economic status. Presently, a number of democratic educators are still struggling on behalf of citizens that have been unceasingly denied their rights, and customarily kept out of significant involvement in the administration of the society.
The other purpose of schooling, promotion of economic growth, has been multi-faced in its implementation. For instance, by requiring students to learn what is important for their success in the global economy, the objective of a democratic education is sabotaged, given that for every student who battles and prevails, others compete and but are defeated. Although this did not affect me as an individual, some of my colleagues had to drop out of school as they regarded themselves as “failures.” Since the current society calls for more service workers and technicians than high level professionals, only a few children would become CEOs or investment bankers regardless of the number that does well in school. It is a good thing though given that I am aspiring to be an engineer.
The ideas of educators such as Mann and Kozol have had a major influence on my education and that of my colleagues. According to Mann, the movement of education from being private to public meant that there would be no intellectual castes, which would without doubt have been followed by castes in property, in honor, as well as in privilege (Williams, 188). This is true since it did enable me learn something; otherwise it would not have been possible for me to be able to go to school had it remained private. As a result, Mann and others started implementing their vision by replacement of the earlier collage of pauper schools, religious schools and private schools by means of a solitary school...
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