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Public Opinion And Rehabitation

Essay Instructions:

This paper must be typed double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12 pitch. Use one-inch margins. No extra space between paragraphs. • This paper must include page numbers (bottom, center of the page). • This paper must be evidence-based. Use your course readings to substantiate the arguments you make. A failure to cite the course readings will result in a failing grade. Papers that cite the readings extensively, including suggested readings, will receive a higher grade. • All quoted materials must be placed in quotes and cited. Do not paraphrase the text. Do not string together one lengthy quotation after another. Use your own words to answer the question. • Include a reference list typed in APA style. Single-space the references; double-space between the references. Title your reference section: References. Do not call it Works Cited or some similar title. Also, use APA style for all works cited in the text. See Section V of the syllabus for more information. In 1974, Robert Martinson published his famous “nothing works” essay in which he argued that correctional treatment programs were ineffective. Since that time, considerable research has accumulated that has challenged this assertion. In light of the existing evidence, assess the role that rehabilitation should play as a component of the correctional enterprise. THE QUESTION: Review the research on public opinion and on whether the public supports the rehabilitation off offenders. I am including the required reading for this answer to this question, syllabus, COURSE BOOK: Francis T. Cullen and Cheryl Lero Jonson, Correctional Theory: Context and Consequences.






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Public Opinion and Rehabilitation
Americans typically favor punitive measures towards crime, and this notion baffles human right activists and liberals who prefer a more humane way to treat criminals (Cullen, Pealer, Fisher & Applegate, 2002). There has been an assumption that the affinity towards punitive crime prevention tactics is synonymous with a negative view on rehabilitation. However, this is not always the case, as the questions asked to respondents tend to be general and shaped by public opinion. In framing the question on whether rehabilitation alone is effective in rehabilitation 80% of an Ohio 1996 survey reported this option as being important (Cullen et al., 2002).
To add credence to the notion that preference for tough measures against crime does not equate to unfavorable opinion on rehabilitation is the case for early intervention among juvenile children (Cullen, Vosa, Jonson & Unnever, 2007). The authors reported that opinion polls revealed that the public supported intervention initiatives of vulnerable at risk children and youth. In any case, positive behavioral change and cost effectiveness in these programs might lead to more acceptances of rehabilitative approaches. According to Loeber, Farringon & Petechuk (2003), child delinquents typically evolve to more serious crimes than other children do. Thus, prevention of delinquent behavior is essential to ensure that there is no persistence of disruptive behavior among delinquent children.
Cullen and Jonson (2012) also support the view that early intervention helps to minimize criminal development among delinquent childre...
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