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Perkowitz Explanation on the Physics Behind Blood Distribution and How it Uncovers Truth

Essay Instructions:

For this review, please find an article (newspaper, journal, magazine, etc.) relating to a case involving one of the following topics:
Blood Spatter
Firearms Evidence
Body Fluid
Once you have selected your article, write a 3 page essay minimum providing a synopsis of the article, and how it relates to the topics you have covered in the course.
Essay Guidelines: Paper Length: 3 pages minimum. Margins: Top, bottom, left, and right margins should be 1” Spacing: Double Spaced Font: Times New Roman Font size: 12 Resource Citations: MLA Format -Please take the time to format your papers correctly as this is taken into account for the grade you receive.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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The Physics of Blood Spatter
The source is taken from the October 2019 issue of Physics World, and it analyzes the bloodstains that are likely to result when an individual is shot. Analysis of the bloodstain can provide critical evidence towards finding the perpetrator. In the article, Sidney Perkowitz explains the physics behind blood distribution and how analysis of this distribution pattern can help uncover the truth. 
The author covers an incident in which an accused, Joe Bryan, is serving his prison sentence after shooting his wife in 1985. The evidence that pinned him down was from a witness rated as an expert in the forensic field, who undertook a blood pattern analysis (BPA) and interpreted the spots, which placed Bryan near his wife when she was shot. Bryan’s evidence to counter this claim did not satisfy the court, for he claimed that he was 120 miles away, which was impossible for him to travel home from an event, shoot his wife, and then travel back to continue with the event. Despite being convicted to serve 99 years in jail, Bran still maintains his innocence to date. 
Bryan’s case is similar to many other cases involving murder or other crime incidents in which the convicts have been unfairly convicted or ones in which the convicts have been rightfully convicted but still maintain their innocence. This blood analysis process relates to some of the forensic analyses we have covered, and the other types of these analyses include:
* Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, which is often used to find a relationship between an individual and a crime.
* Computer forensics, which relates to tracing computer evidence about crime.
* Handwriting, which entails tracing an individual’s handwriting to determine their involvement in certain criminal acts that might have involved some writings.
This type of analysis often occurs in fraudulent activities involving the transfer of illegal substances or those substances that do not pass the legal requirements. Finally, there is the statement analysis, which entails assessing the specific words spoken by the accused or the victim at the crime scene to help trace the use of specific statements. 
The analyst highlights how the police investigators approach such analyses by working backward from a crime scene. While there are some unfair convictions, this analysis provides insights on the significant...
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