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A New Constitution: Five Good Ideas

Essay Instructions:

Imagine you have been asked to advise another country's government that wants to create a new constitution. Submit a report recommending five good ideas that the government could adopt. Then recommend three things from the U.S. Constitution that could be done better. In addition to your textbook, consult at least two other books. Larry Sabato, A more Perfect Constitution; Edward S. Corwin, The Constitution and What It Means Today and  Clinton Rossiter, 1787: The Grand Convention are interesting sources for ideas

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Student Name Professor Name Course Date A New Constitution On Constitution Day, the United States celebrates the best darn document a government has been based upon (Lee 137). With that being said, the Constitution is not perfect, and if the government wants to create a new one, then a couple of things should be kept in mind. First of all, I think that there should be no income tax: taxation is theft. The idea that people should pay taxes based on what they earn look awkward to me, which is because it is their hardly-earned money. Instead, it would be great to introduce a flat tax system so that every person gets to know what they are going to pay per year irrespective of their income. I want the government to abolish the ability for executive actions to bring the United States into conflicts. In the past, some libertarians suggested a couple of peace amendments. Congress does not hold any right to declare war, but the President can circumvent these restrictions by using an executive order. What I want is peace and harmony everywhere, so the new constitution should have compelling ideas for that. Thirdly, I think that legalization of marijuana does not make any sense. This is because it is a form of addiction, and if it is legalized in all parts of the United States, then more and more people will fall ill or may use it excessively and unwisely. The national balance budget seems to be improper. The country’s debt is skyrocketing these days, reaching up to $19 trillion, and this is the right time to take a look at what we are spending as a nation (Lee 151). I think that the federal government should not spend more than the ...
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