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Human resources law in Haiti

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You can list the laws of Haiti like for example the HR laws in this city and an introduction and conclusion of haiti.

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Human resources law in Haiti
Haiti was the initial self-governing state in Latin America and the Caribbean after gaining independence in 1804. Haiti was also the second republic to concur the war of independence against European colonial power in the Americas. In addition, Haiti is the only nation in the western hemisphere on record to have defeated the three super powers to include Britain, France, and Spain. Haiti is a Caribbean country that resides in the western, less significant portion of the island of Hispaniola. Haiti republic has witnessed numerous civil unrests between civilians before their independence. Notably, during the civil strife in 1914, the government of British, German and the United States presumably sent their military troops to Haiti to protect their citizens. Cotton and sugar are the primary significant exports of Haiti after the introduction of sisal in the republic. Consequently, United States writers influenced the recognition of the distinctive traditionalism of the Haitian people. This paper will discuss the Human Resources law in Haiti.
Human resources officers are mandated with the responsibility for ensuring that all employed workers in different institutions are being treated well by their employers (Ramsey 26). They also ensure that employers compensate employees concurrently with the nature of work that they do for the organization (Amar 79). In addition, a human resources officer ensures that there are enough workforces in the organization to ensure that no employee is overworked (Cardwell 25). Consequently, the ruling government have legislated numerous laws that ensure that the human resources officers perform their duties within their mandate. The country have legislated laws with the assistance of other governments. Notably, laws that the nation has legislated include Assessing Progress in Haiti Act of 2013 (Cardwell 25). The Assessing Progress in Haiti Act of 2013 articulates the logic of Congress that an intelligibility, accountability, democracy, and excellent governance are essential factors in any congressional decision regarding the United States’ assistance.
The nation also have legislate laws to assist in the predicament of underemployment facing the country. Notably, Haiti has been plagued for decades by extremely high unemployment and underemployment rates. The organizations in the nation do not employ enough workers to accomplish their tasks and set missions and vision of the company (Amar 75). Consequently, the population of the country is growing at a higher rate, which further propels the predicament of unemployment and under employment (Amar 75). The United States have also initiated projects in the nation to revitalize the situation by creating jobs. Haiti also receives assistance from the United States government by providing sustainable employment opportunities that accommodate the growing population in the nation (Amar 76). Some of the programs the United States government has initiated include programs that assist in commercial banks lending to micro enterprises, particularly the agricultural sector which have assisted in the creation of numerous employment opportunities.
In conclusion, the human resources departments of Haiti have significantly contributed to the current state of underemployment and underdevelopment facing the country. The United States government ha...
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