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How Essential Oils Became The Cure For Our Age Of Anxiety

Essay Instructions:

Please read "How Essential Oils Became the Cure for Our Age of Anxiety," published in The New Yorker and written by Rachel Monroe

In the first page of your essay, please summarize what the article is about. Next, please identity the individual legal and ethical issues that the story implicates. Using the specific topics that we discussed in class--and the course material online--please be sure that you relate the course material to the specific matters that you bring up in your essay. In your conclusion, please note what legal and policy solutions can address the societal problem raised.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The article written by Rachel Monroe on “How Essential Oils Became The Cure For Our Age Of Anxiety” talks about essential oils based on a marketing and medical perspective. She started off with the narration of how Carla Cohen, an essential oils seller, explored alternative medicine when she came down with a mysterious illness. Carla Cohen had since practiced the use of essential oils and applied it in her daily living such as applying frankincense oil on her scalp every morning or the use of oil with clove, eucalyptus and rosemary to prevent the onset of cold. After her meeting with Carla Cohen, Rachel went on how essential oils were used to scent products and flavor foods such as empires Coca-Cola and Pepsi used them in their products; however, due to contemporary use, essential oils were known now as little vials which were touted to be as perfume and a potion. Rachel also talked about oils’ rising popularity as part of wellness and embracing holistic healthy-living practices. In talking about essential oils and their distributors, Rachel Monroe expanded on two essential oil giants, particularly Young Living and DoTerra. Young Living was pioneered by Gary Living after being convicted, opening multiple clinics and finally started to build his empire in Idaho by planting peppermint, tansy and lavender before remarrying with Mary. According to Monroe’s research, Young Living’s founder Gary Young faced many problems, starting off by opening a health center in Spokane, Washington for practicing medicine without a to performing laparoscopic gallbladder surgery (cholecystectomy) whilst giving essential oils intravenously in Ecuador. David Stirling who was Young Living’s chief operating officer then was fired due to his concern with Gary Young’s practices, thus leading him to open his own multilevel marketing company DoTerra. Throughout the years, DoTerra did exceptionally well and faced a lawsuit from Young Living for “stealing trade secrets” but was dismissed of all charges back in 2017. After the case, Monroe talked about how companies were able to meet demands of the people and put emphasis on how researchers proved the benefits of essential oils and how multilevel marketing, was in essence, like networking and was illegal yet was stil...
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