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Is the current U.S government legitimate?

Essay Instructions:

Philosophy Teacher's words: "Is our current government legitimate? Tell me your view; do not tell me what other people might think. However, when you explain your view, you should employ the arguments from the philosophers we have read. In particular, if you say it is, explain why the philosophers who would say it is not are wrong. If you say the government is illegitimate, tell me why the philosophers who would say it is legitimate are wrong. You should tell me what makes a government legitimate, in your view. Cite the relevant texts"

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Is the current U.S government legitimate?
A legitimate government gets support of the people who adopt the policies developed and show believe in the officials. The government of US draws power and authority from the constitution and hence charged to exercise rule for the welfare of Americans. According to Gitelson, Dudley and Dubnick (39), the functioning of government requires power and authority which is bestowed on political leaders by the subjects. This is majorly through laws enacted to be the voice of the people. The laws describe groups of people to whom power is placed on, its use and the limits that should not be exceeded. Laws governing change of policies as well as the procedures to be employed are also outlined. A government that rules per the prescription of people in form of laws is regarded as being legitimate while that doesn't is termed illegitimate. This paper aims to examine whether the current U.S government is legitimate.
US government illegitimacy
The current government is observed to be drifting from the founding principles of the American people which are emphasized in the constitution. The government was meant to be the representative of the people and hence enhance their human, social and cultural practices but has, in contrast, gained such much power to influence and direct human activities. The government has let the citizens down through compromising their peace with the rest of the world. The relationship of America with other nations such as the Islamic speaking countries has deteriorated in the recent past attracting terrorist attacks (Bernstein 1). For instance, the 2001 attack that claimed lives of hundreds of people. The country has also conducted military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq further stirring enmity from rebellious groups in those nations. The Americans who are abroad are exposed to insecurity as a result. Though most people endorse this governance for defense purpose, use of amicable methods would palliate the rivalry.
The government has negatively impacted the culture and morals of the citizen. The socializing behaviors have been derailed from the traditional ways in uncontrolled manner. The enactments of laws permitting homosexual relations and contractual marriage patterns have overwhelmed the generally accepted role of the family. The development of internet which was a means of managing government information and security intelligence has led to evils such as pornography and promotion of devil worship. Cybercrimes have also emanated causing the citizens losses. The music and film pr...
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