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Facts of Court Proceedings

Essay Instructions:

The main part of your paper will focus on telling what you witness when you went to a courthouse and watched a voir dire (jury selection). First, tell me the facts of the proceeding. What level or type of court was it? Where was the courtroom/courthouse located, in this case you will say it is the new haven judicial district. Who, officially, was in the courtroom (judge, court clerk, defendant’s attorney, plaintiff’s attorney, prosecutor, jury, parties)? What happened while you were in the courtroom? How does it compare to what you expected it would be? How did the material we have discussed or read help in understanding the proceeding? Was the proceeding fair/ just? Why or why not? How did the proceeding meet with your expectations of an effective legal system? Was the proceeding efficiently run? Why or why not? Was the judge attentive? Did s/he listen and/or ask questions? Did the judge make any rulings from the bench? What was the result of the proceeding, if any? What would you have guessed the result to be? Was there any information or material that would have been helpful in understanding the proceeding? What should someone know about the legal system before they go to court? Did the attorneys do an effective job in fulfilling their obligations to the court and their clients? Why or why not? Was there any part of the process that you would change? How would you change it? Was there any part you did not understand? What was that? If you were telling a friend about your court experience, what would you tell her? If you were advising a friend who had to go to court, what would you advise him about? If you could have asked a question of the judge, what would it have been? I do not want you to merely answer the questions raised above. I want a cohesive essay about your experience and the proceeding and your thoughts about whether it really provides justice. This is an opinion paper. It will be graded on how well you express your ideas and support your ideas. Don’t write “I believe”, “in my opinion”, “I think” when expressing your ideas.

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Court Proceeding Essay

Civics classes teach that judges draw conclusions about the law and make additional legal requirements via interpretation responsibilities. The judicial process in the United States (U.S.) helps contribute to the existing laws while delivering justice to the accused and the plaintiff. A wide range of court decisions made within state and federal courts across history encompass what is termed as the corpus juris or the body of law of the U.S. Judicial rulings can be anchored on different sources of law, previous findings by other judges, or legal canons that have developed over an extended timescale. Administering justice in the court of law entails a court process incorporating different stages that an individual may encounter and thus this paper offers a comprehensive understanding of what happens in a courthouse as judges seek to deliver justice. This opinion paper discusses my experiences regarding courthouse proceedings to establish whether they worked to provide justice.

In order to foster the rule of law and the citizens' welfare during court proceedings, specific requirements should be met, including guaranteeing the legitimate interests and rights of the parties, the rule of law within all dimensions of public life and government, as well as lawful and fair pre-trial assessment and trial. In order to achieve these thresholds, it is crucial to create a benchmark for adherence and execution of constitutional law in the criminal justice field (Bielik et al. 208). It is on this premise that the court proceedings are anchored. In this particular scenario, the court process entailed a bail hearing of a man accused of decapitating his landlord over a misunderstanding after being directed to vacate due to overdue rent (Setty). The proceedings in this scenario happened in a U.S. district court (i.e., New Haven Judicial District) located at 235 Church Street, New Haven. As one of the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, the New Haven court was established by the 1789

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