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Controversy of Law Enforcement

Essay Instructions:

1. Essay should be 5 pages long, plus page #6 for the works cited.

2. Have central thesis or claim that represents (even if it is a tentative answer) to the questions posed.

3. Should include at least one argument that opposes my view - which is Police are underpaid, under appreciated and criminals have more rights then the victims - and show how I would refute that argument.

4. use at least 5 sources - 2 should be peer-reviewed sources

5. Use MLA conventions this includes the work cited page, in-text parenthetical citations and documented formatting.

6. Write for an audience of peers rather than experts on the topic.

This is my first time order, probably not the last, just found out about this from a friend.


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Course title:
Controversy of law enforcement
Enforcement of law is faced with controversy throughout the world. The controversy cannot therefore be said to be a problem of a particular country. But this does not mean that deliberations to tackle the issue should be negated. This paper discusses controversy of law enforcement, especially in the view that there is sidelining on the side of the police. The police are underpaid and also underappreciated. There is observation that; criminals have more rights than victims. These aspects lead to controversy of law enforcement especially in the consideration that; the police are the pillar posts when it comes to enforcement of the law. There is discussion on whether such argument holds ground at all times.
The controversy
Throughout the world, enforcement of law is faced with controversy. The controversy emanates mainly from mismanagement of the police force, whereby, they way they are treated, they become demoralized in enforcing the law. The government fails to take the police force with the seriousness it ought to take it with to ensure that there is smooth enforcement of the law. The police have been associated with all manner of difficult living conditions. It could even be right to say that; at times, the police are treated as lesser human beings. This argument can be illustrated with consideration of the police payment. It is a well known fact that the police are underpaid. This aspect of underpayment leads to controversy in law enforcement especially due to the hard economic times we are living in. It is not viable to assume that police should live an under standard life. It is crucial to understand that; apart from the hard work that the police do which need good remuneration, they have been to school and college. Therefore, their remuneration should consider these factors and therefore ensure good payment, (Ramshaw, Pp 469).
The salary of the common policeman is way below the payment of other workers of equal caliber. It is not well known why the payment of police has always been down. It can rightfully be said that; the payment that police get does not match the hard work they ought to do in ensuring enforcement of the law. A keen consideration of the condition and requirement of the work of police in law enforcement points to the fact that they ought to receive good payment. Underpayment of police has resulted to controversy in law enforcement in several ways. It becomes easy for police to receive bribes and therefore fail to enforce the law due to underpayment. This is more so especially in the wake of hard economic times. It is crucial to consider a case whereby; a police has outstanding fee balance for their child as an effect of the underpayment; and then criminal offers to give some cash instead of being taken to court of law. Such a scenario presents the police with a lot of temptation and it becomes easy to compromise enforcement of law.
The issue of underpayment results to controversy in law enforcement due to the low morale of police. It is understood that; one way of motivating workers is by ensuring that they get adequate remuneration for their performance, (Stoughton, pp 226) notes that; As earlier stated, the police remuneration is much under the expectation. This underpayment results to low morale in taking up their role in ensuring enforcement of the law. Therefore, the police working in various departments feel lazy to attend to their work and feel under motivated as they carry out their duty due to the low payment.
Under appreciation
Under appreciation of police is another factor that leads to controversy in law enforcement. Such under appreciation is associated with their feeling of unsafe. Under appreciation of police is manifested in underpayment as well as the acknowledgement that is extended both by government as well as the public. On the side of the public, under appreciation of police is manifested in the dislike of many people to be associated with police. (Osborne,pp 466)Many people take police on negative notes and this affects their working. Some view them as accomplices of criminals. Others view them as inhuman people who are capable of killing for no good reason. Such controversial regards emanate from lack of knowledge of the public concerning the work of police especially in regard to enforcing the law. There has also been a culture of associating the police with evil while in reality they are...
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